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systemEntropy addition to PerformanceNavigationTiming #878

Open mwjacksonmsft opened 11 months ago

mwjacksonmsft commented 11 months ago

I'm requesting a TAG review of systemEntropy addition to PerformanceNavigationTiming.

This proposal adds a new ‘systemEntropy’ field to the PerformanceNavigationTiming struct enabling developers to discern if the page load occurs during a non-optimal performance state.

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We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option): 💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify [mwjacksonmsft]

plinss commented 10 months ago

We haven't had a chance to dive into this thoroughly yet, but first impressions:

mwjacksonmsft commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the feedback.

plinss commented 8 months ago

Is the concern that a third-party script is included on siteA and siteB, that the script might be able to create a short-term identifier to track the user across the two sites?

Possibly, but also that a site may be able to fingerprint a user and tell it's the same user on multiple visits.

We also have concerns about other information leakage, for example there's work being done to hide usage of local cache. E.g. loading a resource from a cache but pretending that it's coming from the network (and adding an artificial delay), being able to measure the entropy may reveal this is happening.

Basically, we like to be sure people who understand these kinds of issues better have reviewed this.

mwjacksonmsft commented 6 months ago

My apologies for the delayed reply. I'm working with the WebPerfWG to ensure that this information is exposed in a way that conforms with the privacy principles outlined here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19TOz4mXRsYt8tkqzH8io_BrYiZBXhqGyD646gJy-x6I/edit#slide=id.p

hadleybeeman commented 6 months ago

Thanks, @mwjacksonmsft — we'll wait to hear back from you then.