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Web Install API - Same Origin #888

Open diekus opened 10 months ago

diekus commented 10 months ago

Hola TAG! I'm requesting an early TAG review of the Web Install API.

The Web Install API allows a web site to install a web app (same domain). This functionality allows the creation of web based catalogues that can install PWAs directly from the web and into multiple platforms.

Further details:

You should also know that...

there's plenty of positive developer feedback for an API like this one!

We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):

🐛 open issues in our GitHub repo for each point of feedback

iVanlIsh commented 10 months ago

I got a few questions:

torgo commented 9 months ago

Hi @diekus we discussed briefly in today's TAG session and someone from TAG will be at the breakout session you're holding at TPAC next week so we hope to progress then.

torgo commented 9 months ago

Hi @diekus - thanks for this and thanks also for the TPAC session on this topic which was really interesting!

Some initial feedback form our TAG breakout today:

We're concerned about potential abuse of the "Web app installation from associated domain" use case, especially in a world where installed webapps might be auto-granted additional permissions.

We're generally happy with the same-origin-bound use case of navigator.install(). We're wondering if you might consider a phased approach to this where phase 1 tackles the same origin case and phase 2 works on the more complex use cases - as this will give some opportunity to explore how the installation function itself works and will give time to explore and design mitigations for potential abuse cases for associated domain installation.

We think the expected venue should probably be Web Applications working group (after this graduates from WICG) and/or the WHATWG HTML workstream.

torgo commented 6 months ago

Hi @diekus any update on this from your PoV? Thanks!

diekus commented 5 months ago

Hola TAG. I've missed you ✨.

So getting back to business. We've completely reworked the shape of the API. Both explainers (for same and cross-origin) have been updated and I am pleased to inform you of the following:

(cc @iVanlIsh)

(cc @torgo)

We've got several store partners in line to try it, including 3P developers that are very excited about the possibilities to democratise application distribution!

I whole heartly agree with you that WebApps WG is the right place for this work 💖.

plinss commented 2 months ago

Given that the request has split into same-origin and cross-origin versions, we split the review accordingly (as we feel one may be able to proceed faster than the other). This review is now about the same-origin behavior, the cross-origin behavior issue is here

LeaVerou commented 2 months ago

This generally looked good to us. Our only comment relates to "related applications". We did not understand what this is for, but it seems to require the Cross-origin version of the API to work. If that assumption is correct, it should be moved there. It is also unclear how navigator.install() supports the use case of multiple PWAs that live under the same origin.

diekus commented 2 months ago

Hola @LeaVerou, thanks for your valuable feedback.

The related_applications part refers to the behaviour an implementer might take when the install API is invoked and that field is present in the manifest file. If present, this means that the developer would prefer their app to be installed from another repository (like the itunes store or the play store) instead. If this is the case, this field points to the appropriate repositories per platform and the UA may decide to handoff the installation to that repository. The alternative is the default method where a web app is packaged and installed by the browser.

Regarding multiple apps on a same origin, they can be installed as they can have different manifest ids and different scopes. For example, https://example.com/app1 and https://example.com/app2 can both be installed even if from the same origin.

LeaVerou commented 2 months ago

Hi @diekus, after reading your comment both @plinss were still confused about several aspects of this API:

Wrt related_applications:

Wrt installing multiple PWAs from the same origin and related_applications / prefer_related_appliations:

When separating the API into a same-origin and a cross-origin version, it’s important that the separation is "clean", i.e. that the same origin version can be implemented independently and no parts of it should require the cross-origin version of the API. With that in mind:

Also, given the text in the explainer, it is still unclear to use what the author flow is for e.g. having a website that includes multiple apps (website.com/foo, website.com/bar, etc.). A code example would help!

We also don’t quite understand the signature of navigator.install(): it seems that manifest_id is optional but it is possible to provide manifest_id without install_url. What is the use case of that in a same-origin context? It also seems like in the case of a single website containing multiple apps, one would probably want to provide an install_url, and it seems like it's the manifest id that should be optional?

Also please note that TAG principle around preferring a dictionary for optional arguments.

diekus commented 5 days ago

Hola @LeaVerou and @plinss,

Thank you for your patience. I will try to answer your doubts to the best of my knowledge.

Wrt related_applications and prefer_related_applications

When referring to related_applications, it is the developer the one that specifies that they'd rather have the app be installed from another place instead of, as you put it, "using itself as the source of truth". I 100% agree with your view.

I believe this was more relevant when PWAs started in mobile and were mostly a run-down, "lite" version of the native/platform-specific counterpart. Similar behaviour is present in Safari when it adds a "Smart App Banner" prompting that there is a related application on the App Store. I am personally not a fan of these behaviours, nonetheless, I believe if a developer prefers to have their app installed from the platform's app-repo, and explicitly adds the related_applications and prefers_related_applications fields to the manifest, then the installation should try to respect that.

Now, I also believe this is up to the implementer if they want to honour that request the developer is doing. Safari does this with the meta tag apple-itunes-app. On the other hand, the proposal in WICG and documented in MDN WebDocs accomplishes this same behaviour through those fields in the manifest file, and if implemented into the official Manifest spec, would include support for multiple platforms, including the Apple App Store, Google Play and MS Stores.

I put this in the explainer in the section of "Relation with other web APIs" as I think the installation flow could be different if these fields are present in the manifest file. Again, implementors could decide to ignore these or to implement different UX (like showing the install prompt with an option for the end user to choose where they would like the app to be installed from, for example). These are orthogonal to the API itself, and same-origin use cases are completely independent of the cross-origin ones.

Wrt same-origin parameters and referral-info

The parameters are there as a way to pass more information if the developer needed. For example, with the referral-info, a user might be browsing in siteA.com, see an ad for appB, click on that ad that takes them to siteB.com, and siteB.com can retrieve the campaign id associated to that referral and pass it as a parameter when it is installing itself to remember a possible associated campaign effort.

There is currently an ongoing discussion about the requirement of manifest_id as a parameter for same-origin installs. At the moment same-origin could install any web content (as per Webkit's petition), whilst the option of allowing content with a manifest id only. I will promptly update the explainer and post back here once consensus is reached on this.

Wrt to optional parameters

I will update the explainer to reflect that it is a dictionary, not an object as it is currently stated. (and thanks for the heads up!)