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Entering IPv6 Zone Identifiers in User Interfaces #989

Closed martinthomson closed 1 month ago

martinthomson commented 1 month ago

こんにちは TAG-さん!

I'm requesting a TAG review of Entering IPv6 Zone Identifiers in User Interfaces.

This document describes how the zone identifier of an IPv6 scoped address, defined in the IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture (RFC 4007), should be entered into a user interface. It obsoletes RFC 6874.

Further details:

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tl;dr: This reverts a proposed change to URL syntax that, while it was published in RFC 6874, never gained any real standing in Web standards. What was a concrete proposal for how to express zone identifiers in URLs would revert to a state of having absolutely no specification. Consequently, there would be no standardized way to identify the applicable zone when identifying a resource that as an IPv6 literal for a host. The document suggests a syntax for expressing IPv6 literals in some user interfaces, but it completely avoids those that involve URLs.

This is a bit of an irregular request, but it would be worthwhile getting the TAG's input on this subject. Given where things are, that might be as simple as "yeah OK", but the exercise of writing this out and discussing the situation seems worth doing.

RFC 6874 attempted to modify URL syntax in a way that was not strictly backward compatible. This was to introduce a feature of IPv6 addressing that is not widely used and is largely limited to private networks.

The zone identifier is a host-local identifier for a network interface that is sometimes necessary to disambiguate a non-global or non-unique IPv6 address. For instance, the address "fe80::1" is a "link-local" address that can be assigned to a different host on different network segments. A host that has multiple interfaces might participate in networks that use the same address. A zone identifier is appended to addresses to disambiguate them. Continuing the example, "fe80::1%wifi" or "fe80::1%9" might be used.

Zone identifiers only have local significance, so there is no consistent way to use them on the Web, but RFC 6874 nevertheless tried to change URI syntax to include a zone identifier. The idea was to let people type in a disambiguated address so that they were able to reach the intended host.

The problems with this approach took a long time to identify, but you can see some of that from the discussion on the WHATWG URL spec. Picking a few:

Of note is this draft that recommends the use of .local names instead. This resolves the interface issues by using a name, which could be unique. Unfortunately, that requires the use of mDNS, which is not supported enough to be consistently available.

All of which is to say that this has been a contentious problem to resolve. Some people (full disclosure: I'm one of them) think that maybe zone identifiers were a mistake. Others are frustrated that you can't type (or copy-paste) a qualified IPv6 address into a browser and have it work. (These are also mutually compatible positions.)

The proposal recognizes more formally the distinction between identifying a zone locally, which is largely a user interface choice, while specifying a convenient syntax. That syntax is available for use in any given context, but whether the syntax is adopted will need to depend on the context.

That is, the specification proposes a convenience for user interface, but does not seek to establish a new format that can be used in protocols. Personally, I have some concern that this distinction might be lost on some of the audience, which might result in undesirable results.

URLs are an important context where IPv6 literals are used. The document is silent when it comes to URLs, except to say that the URL syntax proposed in RFC 6874 is obsolete.

For a command-line tool that handles URLs, you might imagine something much more like wget --interface eth0 https://[fe80::1]/ than what was originally proposed with wget https://[fe80::1%eth0]/ (despite Brian having code that quite trivially makes that possible). Neither of those forms is explicitly considered. The idea is that any given interface (command-line or otherwise) would need to decide for itself how it wanted to operate.

Questions the TAG might consider answering:

becarpenter commented 1 month ago

N.B. The current draft is now https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-6man-zone-ui-03 Also note this phrase in the draft: the recommendations and normative statements in this document do not apply to web browsers. Most of the points Martin raises above are now explicitly outside the scope of the draft.

jyasskin commented 1 month ago

Keeping in mind that I know very little about the details of IPv6:

So, overall, I don't feel like the TAG should raise any objections to @becarpenter's draft. But I could easily be missing something.

becarpenter commented 1 month ago

@jyasskin, thanks. At the present time it seems clear that the very concept of a literal link-local address that specifies an interface number or name is problematic for the URL origin model - the @DavidSchinazi draft that @martinthomson mentioned explains it better than I can. That's why we tried to separate the operational problems we have in IPv6-land out from the whole question of URI syntax and what browsers should or should not do.

michaelrsweet commented 1 month ago


Of note is this draft that recommends the use of .local names instead. This resolves the interface issues by using a name, which could be unique. Unfortunately, that requires the use of mDNS, which is not supported enough to be consistently available.

I'm not sure where this comes from - while we certainly had issues back in 2010 with ISP routers defaulting to blocking of multicast traffic, that hasn't been the case for a long time now.

Every major client OS (Android, ChromeOS, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows) supports mDNS out-of-the-box. Almost all network printers, TVs, and cameras support mDNS. My Ubiquity network gear, Lutron gateway, Nest thermostat and smoke detectors, NAS, VoIP phones, and new washer and dryer all support it as well.

So maybe we need to note that while some network equipment might not (yet) support mDNS, the vast majority of it does. Using mDNS hostnames is a viable alternative to using link-local addresses in URIs, and has been for a long time now...

becarpenter commented 1 month ago

@michaelrsweet, however I did see evidence that all is not well in the ecosystem around resolving names using mDNS when an interface name is involved. I've been told, for example, that Chrome simply does not contain code to pass the interface number along with a link-local address to socket calls, even though the resolver returns both components from mDNS. (Firefox gets that right, however). More at https://github.com/becarpenter/misc/blob/main/zelect/README.md

jyasskin commented 1 month ago

FWIW, "get Chrome to change its code" is a smaller lift than "figure out the right model for IPv6%zone origins [which I do suspect is possible if we need it], get consensus on the URL changes, and then also get Chrome to change its code." (Also, zelect is an excellent hack.)

jyasskin commented 1 month ago

Thank you for running this past us. We think you've made the right call in undoing the URI syntax changes from RFC 6874 and excluding web browsers from your UI recommendations.