w3ctag / ethical-web-principles

W3C TAG Ethical Web Principles
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Back up each principle with references to previous TAG decisions/experiences #19

Open hadleybeeman opened 4 years ago

hadleybeeman commented 4 years ago

This one came from @danbri.

The TAG's authority or usefulness comes from our experience, our understanding of what works and doesn't work well for the web. This document is drawn from that experience, but it doesn't explicitly reference the experiences or examples that have led us to each of the principles.

Should we find a way to add them in?

(@danbri, please do expand if I haven't done your thoughts justice!)

torgo commented 3 years ago

One example that we discussed in this week's f2f: we could reference the STRINT workshop report as underpinning the statement about state surveillance.

hadleybeeman commented 3 years ago

We'd like to use this issue to collect more examples from our community, that explain why we know each principle matters. This is open to suggestions from anyone — comment in this issue.

torgo commented 3 years ago


torgo commented 3 years ago

https://www.internetsociety.org/policybriefs/privacy/ <- privacy & freedom of expression

torgo commented 3 years ago


torgo commented 3 years ago

STRINT workshop output https://www.w3.org/2014/strint/

hadleybeeman commented 3 years ago

The attempts to mandate real names for social media accounts, and the potential impact on vulnerable individuals.

OR13 commented 2 years ago

It would be nicer to anchor the principles to authority beyond TAG, for example, legal cases, constitutions or bills of rights.

IMO, TAG should be citing principles that have gained widespread adoption and acceptance internationally, not inventing principles and citing themselves.