w3ctag / obsoletion

Specifications to be considered for Obsolescence
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Vibration API (Second Edition) #7

Closed marcoscaceres closed 3 months ago

marcoscaceres commented 3 months ago

Hello TAG,

I am requesting that the TAG consider the following specification:

be considered by the TAG for:

Rationale for why the above action should be taken:

The W3C Vibration API is falsely claiming to be implemented by Firefox, as indicated in the implementation report. In reality, Firefox only has the stubs in place to pretend it supports vibration for web compatibility reasons. Mozilla disabled haptics years ago due to concerns over user annoyance. Furthermore, the specification hasn't received interest from any other implementer in years. Therefore, the TAG should consider obsoleting it as it's a W3C Recommendation on false pretenses.

Additional reasons for obsoleting the Vibration API include:

This specification was produced by the Devices and Sensors Working Group.

The following implementations of this specification are known:

marcoscaceres commented 3 months ago

Corrected above to "obsolete/obsoleting" instead of rescind. My mistake.

plehegar commented 3 months ago

[[ The process of rescinding, obsoleting, superseding, or restoring a Recommendation can be initiated either by a request from the Team or via a request from any of the following:

Since we do have an active Working Group, such request is misplaced.

marcoscaceres commented 3 months ago

Moved discussion to https://github.com/w3c/vibration/issues/33