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Add a "Review: too late" label and corresponding guidance #29

Open LeaVerou opened 1 year ago

LeaVerou commented 1 year ago

This comes from two breakouts today, one with @cynthia @rhiaro and me and one with @plinss and me.

The TAG does valuable work, but it is always a struggle for TAG members to fit our large workload in the limited cycles we have available for (essentially) volunteer work. Therefore, it's highly suboptimal to be spending time doing reviews of mature specs that have shipped in every major browser, and nothing we say cannot make a difference at all anymore. We should be taking steps to maximize the ratio of impact to time spent, and I think a way to do that is closing some reviews as "too late".

This would involve having a "too late" label, and guidance that basically says "if a feature has shipped in every major browser, it's too late for TAG review, the ship has sailed", but in a nice/equitable way 😁

It was pointed out that mature reviews like https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/658 or https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/657 are required as part of wide review. However, for TAG reviews to actually make an impact, these features should come to us earlier, when their design can still change. So, even if we drop (most) late reviews, TAG review could still be a part of wide review, but as a list of URLs to previous TAG reviews. When a spec reaches the point of wide review, it should already have a bunch of closed TAG reviews, it shouldn't be sent to TAG review at that point.