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Explainer template repository? #24

Open slightlyoff opened 4 years ago

slightlyoff commented 4 years ago

Guten tag TAG!

I noticed that Github now supports template repositories; instead of digging up the explainer template from this repo, perhaps a good workflow enabler would be to move it into a template repo?

alice commented 4 years ago

Looks like that is a template for a repository, rather than a repository of templates: "so you and others can generate new repositories with the same directory structure, branches, and files".

I take the point about enabling a workflow, but I'm not sure it's in scope for us to be setting up an entire repository template.

What would you want the workflow to look like, ideally?

hober commented 4 years ago

I worry that the TAG publishing such a template repository would strengthen people's misconception that the TAG is the sole or primary audience for explainers.