w3f / Grants-Program

Web3 Foundation Grants Program
Apache License 2.0
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Web3 Association - Open source contributor funding experiment setup #2370

Open lovegrovegeorge opened 4 weeks ago

lovegrovegeorge commented 4 weeks ago

Project Abstract

This is a research proposal to experiment with an open source contributor funding process. Developers in the ecosystem would be funded to help with developing the most impactful open source initiatives in the ecosystem. Contributors could work on new initiatives or improvements to existing open source solutions.

This funding process will trial a number of approaches from our funding analysis (https://funding.treasuries.co). This funding process and the approaches being trialled could become long term funding solutions for Polkadot if this experiment proves to be successful.

This proposal is for the setup of this experiment. A future proposal will be submitted that requests approval for the actual funding process once the experiment has been setup.

Grant level

Application Checklist

lovegrovegeorge commented 4 weeks ago

Questions / some areas to discuss:

keeganquigley commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @lovegrovegeorge thanks for your comments. Happy to give my opinions below:

Unknown funding amount until after voting stage is completed - The actual funding amount required cannot be stated until further into the setup of the experiment. Therefore this proposal could either stay in a draft state until that can be determined or it could be approved and merged and then updated in the future. The value used in the proposal so far is the maximum amount we could suggest for the experiment, however the actual value could be much lower depending on the final agreed experiment parameters.

The committee most likely won't vote to approve a grant with an unknown funding amount, especially for this amount. I would recommend reducing the scope/cost to include only what you need to get started, and then you can always apply for subsequent follow-up grants. For example, the committee might be more inclined to approve just the first milestone of $3k to help you bootstrap the experiment setup. Then you might be able to better determine how much more you need.

Additionally, any ask greater than $100k needs to be voted on by the W3F council, in addition to the 5 approvals required to sign the grant. This could take a while, and might prove hard to get. Any changes down the line would need an amendment with the same amount of approvals. Whereas if you lowered it to a level 1 grant to get started, only 2 approvals would be needed to hit the ground running.

Vested DOT concern - The experiment would pay developers monthly once their contribution logs are approved. The main concern i'd have is around how long the vested delay of funding is as this could make it difficult for the participating developers that would have rent and bills to pay.

The DOT is vested linearly, on-chain over a two year period. Therefore a bit will unlock with each block, but yes the majority of it would be locked to start with.

Full-Time Equivalent on milestones query - The experiment would select developers to work full time for a set duration of time such as 4 or 6 months. I’m unsure whether the milestones FTE value should include these participating contributors in the number or if this value should only focus on the efforts required to operate the funding process experiment itself.

Yes I would recommend including these contributors in the FTE value, since they would be working full-time. Especially if their payment would be part of the total costs.

I hope these answers help.

lovegrovegeorge commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @keeganquigley, I'll update the proposal this week

lovegrovegeorge commented 1 week ago

@keeganquigley I have updated the proposal to now focus only on the experiment setup phase. The the other milestones have been removed. The first milestone now focuses on capturing the communities priority suggestions about what open source initiatives could be the most impactful to work on and setting up the contributor proposal process so that I can invite developers to indicate their interest in the funding process. I have removed the voting stage part from the first milestone as voting should only happen if the funding experiment was approved and actually going to be executed. Voting would become the first thing that happens if a future proposal is accepted to fund the experiment.

Two points I'd like to highlight:

Funding experiment parameters After executing this initial experiment setup process we should have some priority suggestions from the community and some developer candidates that are interested in participating in the funding process. I would look to suggest what I think is sensible in terms of funding process parameters in a subsequent proposal based on the priority suggestions and contributor proposals that have been submitted. I believe it could be valuable for us to discuss these parameters and any initial thoughts about them before the proposal is finalised and submitted for review. We could have this conversation in the comments of a future proposal.

Voting participants If the experiment was approved then the selection of voters is an important part of the experiment. I would be very interested in members from the Web3 Foundation or Parity being involved in the voting process. Members from the Web3 Foundation are very familiar with their own idea funding process so participating in this experiment and providing their feedback should be very insightful. Another open source funding proposal that was shared to me recently could also have some of its members be involved in this experiments voting process to get further insights from them - https://polkadot.subsquare.io/referenda/1080. This experiment could operate fine with 5 voters similar to the other proposal I just shared. However a lot more insights and feedback could be generated using 10 to 20 voters, so I'd always prefer to increase the number of voters where possible. So my question is whether members of the Web3 Foundation would be happy to participate in this voting process? This is obviously assuming that the future funding proposal got approved. The voting process is designed to be simpler than idea funding so it shouldn't take up a large amount of time and the feedback given should be highly relevant and insightful.

lovegrovegeorge commented 4 days ago

@keeganquigley Yes I'm keen to include anyone from the Polkadot who is experienced with OpenGov, the technical fellowship or governance / funding / treasuries in general in the voting process. So i'll look to invite multiple people if they're interested after reaching out to many people.

I've updated the formatting as requested, also updated some of the spacing across proposal, should look good now after properly reviewing the preview!

What else do I need to do with W3F agreement / setup wise with this proposal?

I will reach out to the other open source proposal and look to start collaboration tomorrow to get that going. In terms of starting this proposal I would look to start it sometime next month. I started working on a new economic model recently that ties in very well with the work i've been doing for the last few years. It's taking my full attention over the short term until I can get a first version out next month to start getting feedback. Should be a good read, happy with it so far! After that is out, I would be ready to be full time on setting this up and reaching out to everyone I can in the ecosystem.

lovegrovegeorge commented 3 days ago

@keeganquigley Updated title to "Finalising proposal parameters" and added the parameters into the specification.

Polkadot-Forum commented 3 days ago

This pull request has been mentioned on Polkadot Forum. There might be relevant details there:
