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Related work comparison #4

Open InaOana opened 1 year ago

InaOana commented 1 year ago

Reading LegoSNARK: Additional properties to add to the LC paper intro/related work for a more in-depth description regarding CP-SNARKs (commit-and-prove SNARKs) and cc-SNARKs (commit-carrying SNARKS). A summary of these properties can be added to the intro/related work of RVRF paper/ZK continuation.


Comparison with our the custom SNARKs in our LC paper:


Further notes:


Further questions:

InaOana commented 1 year ago

Read ECLIPSE. Here is the summary:

AlistairStewart commented 1 year ago

Another thing we need to compare with are short accountable subgroup multisignatures as defined by https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/483.pdf and https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/018.pdf . I can write something.

These give schemes that like ours use a compact key, which they confusingly call apk, to represent a group of signers. Given a representation of a subset of signers, there is a short signature (of size independent of the number of signers), that can be used with apk to verify that the subset signed the message.

Our comittee key scheme certainly satisfies their definition.

The downsides are that the setups for their schemes use secret scharing like those for threshold signatures with the accompanying downsides and that their verification will be slower. They use a hash to G_1 for each signer in verification and so verification time will scale badly compared to ours with the number of signers. Indeed, looking at https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/403.pdf which gives explcit numbers of field operations for hashes to BLS12-381, we can estimate that a hash to curve needs 1000 field operations. In contrast our basic accountable scheme requires 2 field operations per signer and packed accountable requires 1/128 fild operaions per signer.

InaOana commented 1 year ago

Skimming Lunar: It seems that Lunar just gives faster algorithms for the ones existing in LegoSNARK, maybe looking into more options for linking commitments. From ECLIPSE "Lunar [CFF+20] obtains CP-SNARKs with a universal and updatable SRS and presents proof systems for “linking” committed inputs to the polynomial commitments used in AHP-based arguments."; "Note that Lunar constructions and ECLIPSE outperform each other in different settings."