w3f / bls

Aggregatable BLS sigantures
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clean up the depenedancy so they are compatible with substrate #44

Closed drskalman closed 2 years ago

drskalman commented 2 years ago

blake2 implementation of substrate is different from the one used in bls-like. Furthermore there are dev depenedency which are marked as dependancy and they don't blong there.

drskalman commented 2 years ago

we need to update the our arkwork curve fork to work with the new Ark algebra structure.

drskalman commented 2 years ago

There was lots of problem with using the rather obsolete full domain hasher and the new hasher, were able to upgrade digest, sha2 and sha3 but new syntax was required to be employed (update instead of input, finalize_xof instead of xof_result, etc). with 11a1a60 bls library compiles and substrate has no dependency complains.