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Make `keystore_vs_validator_set` test generic over the keystore #61

Closed drskalman closed 1 year ago

drskalman commented 1 year ago

this test run create_beefy_worker which needs to be generic and creates a validator set. All this should be generic and then tested on both ecdas and the ecdsa_n_bls schemes.

drskalman commented 1 year ago

This test is using the test toolbox developped in the keystore.rs and I can't compile this before first making the keystore tests generic over the keystore. so I'm puting this on hold and migrate the keystore tests, first.

drskalman commented 1 year ago

Migrated. passing for ecdsa but failing for ecdsa_n_bls. investigating.

drskalman commented 1 year ago

The problem arise verify_validator_set using btree to find intersections between keystor.public_keys and the validator_sets and the public_keys and in ecdsa_n_bls no intersection is found.

drskalman commented 1 year ago

Was due to test function create_beefy_keystore which was only creates ecdsa keys.

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