w3f / messaging

Messaging for Web3
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Simulation numbers #35

Open oskarth opened 5 years ago

oskarth commented 5 years ago

Size of packet: minimum and maximium size (4K)

How fast are they sent?

How often want to send message?

How many clients? Not single group. Over mixnet. Typical usage.

oskarth commented 5 years ago

Sorry about the late response, here are some numbers.

Size of packet: minimum and maximium size.

Minimum: 512 bytes Default minimum: 1K Max: 4K Max with attachements: 4MB (might want to skip this one/deal with at higher level)

How fast are they sent?

Assuming user is online: 40 messages per minute

1 message per second as burst, 1 message per minute normal flow

How often want to send message?

Online up to 2-4h per 24h

How many clients?

Assuming 1M retained/montly active users. This is ~same size as Signal, order of magintude away from e.g. Telegram, roughly what we budged for in terms of user acquisiton at Status:

Online average of 1h a day, so factor of 20, i.e. 50k users client at any given time.

On a shorter time framing this is likely to be less, so we can start initially with 1K (or 100/10K) concurrent users.

Hope that's useful. In general, it might be useful to do some form or robustness/sensitivity analysis, i.e. see how the system behaves as it goes from (say) 100 to 1K to 10K users. In terms of latency, median/95/99% analysis would also be interesting.

Out of curiosity, is the simulation for this open source? What type of output are you getting in terms of performance / anonymity set etc?