Add this note on all the staking pages that users may land on along these lines - To participate in Nomination pools, the balance should be transferable. Hence, if you are staking them normally, you will have to unbond them and transfer them to a nomination pool after they are fully unbonded (28 days on Polkadot/7 days on Kusama). Same goes with balance that is locked due to participation in governance and others.
Also, on pages that mention that the minimum DOT required to participate in Staking is 10 DOT etc. that needs to be updated to reflect the option of using nomination pools (just 1 DOT required and higher guarantees of receiving rewards when the amount is close to the dynamic active nomination minimum)
For those who bonded their DOT and were never able to receive rewards as their stake was always less than the dynamic active nomination amount, mention that Fast unstaking is an option and it will be live soon or the exact timeline (I don't know it)
Add this note on all the staking pages that users may land on along these lines - To participate in Nomination pools, the balance should be transferable. Hence, if you are staking them normally, you will have to unbond them and transfer them to a nomination pool after they are fully unbonded (28 days on Polkadot/7 days on Kusama). Same goes with balance that is locked due to participation in governance and others.
Also, on pages that mention that the minimum DOT required to participate in Staking is 10 DOT etc. that needs to be updated to reflect the option of using nomination pools (just 1 DOT required and higher guarantees of receiving rewards when the amount is close to the dynamic active nomination minimum)
For those who bonded their DOT and were never able to receive rewards as their stake was always less than the dynamic active nomination amount, mention that Fast unstaking is an option and it will be live soon or the exact timeline (I don't know it)