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Download or view an invoice #23

Closed lionel-m closed 12 years ago

lionel-m commented 12 years ago

We can not download or view an invoice in the backend.

Not Found
The requested URL /contao/main.php was not found on this server.

There is the same problem with the module "Invoice reader" in FE, we can not download an invoice but it's ok with the module "Invoice list"

christian-kolb commented 12 years ago

Is it possible, that you don't run your contao installation in the document root?

lionel-m commented 12 years ago



I have make this test on two installations

christian-kolb commented 12 years ago

What I ment, was whether your contao installation is in the root of the domain with which you call it. If you are calling it through http://localhost and this points to your /htdocs folder, then it's fine. But if you using for excample /htdocs/contao1 and /htdocs/contao2 and you use the "Relative path to the Contao directory" setting in contao, than it can't work. But I could make it work ; )

lionel-m commented 12 years ago

If you are calling it through http://localhost and this points to your /htdocs folder, then it's fine.

I think yes. It's a basic installation. I have not made changes in settings.

The URL is: http://localhost/contao-crm/contao $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['websitePath'] = '/contao-crm';

christian-kolb commented 12 years ago

Yes, that's exactly where the problem lies. The link tries to call the main.php which lies in the /contao folder. But your contao folder is under /contao-crm/contao and the system can't find it. I will implement this feature for version 0.4.0

lionel-m commented 12 years ago


lionel-m commented 12 years ago

I think there is the same problem with the personalized icons. (Service types, product types, task status and invoice templates -> icon).

For example the URL of an icon for a type of service is good in the code source. But there is only the alt description in the BE.

lionel-m commented 12 years ago

There is this problem too, with the module "Invoice reader" in FE, we can not download an invoice but it's ok with the module "Invoice list".

christian-kolb commented 12 years ago

I will look into it again.

christian-kolb commented 12 years ago

Should be fixed now.