w3scout / w3s_li_crm

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Blank page when I want to see an invoice in the backend #27

Closed lionel-m closed 12 years ago

lionel-m commented 12 years ago

There's nothing in the backend when I want to see an invoice (Invoices -> Show the invoice file with ID XY).

<div class="tl_module_desc">
    <object width="680" height="900" type="application/pdf" data="/contao/main.php?do=li_invoices&amp;key=pdf&amp;id=2" class="pdf"> </object>
    <a href="contao/main.php?do=li_invoices" class="back_link">Back to the overview</a>

Outgoing = true Publish invoice = true

li_crm 0.4.0 stable Contao 2.10.3

christian-kolb commented 12 years ago

Can you download the invoices in the backend? And do you use mac? Because as far as I know there is no way to make inline pdfs visible in a browser with mac. I'm using a mac too and can't see the inline pdfs. It's the fault of the pdf reader. Even if you don't use mac you need acrobat reader and a plugin for the browser to view those pdfs.

There will be a HTML version of the invoice in a future version of the CRM. See issue #15. (Unfortunately just in german)

lionel-m commented 12 years ago

I can downloading the invoices in the backend and yes I have a mac.

The issue #15 will solve this problem also...

Thx !

christian-kolb commented 12 years ago

Great, let me know if you figure a way out to view inline pdfs in a browser running on a mac ; )

lionel-m commented 12 years ago

Great, let me know if you figure a way out to view inline pdfs in a browser running on a mac ; )

Maybe : https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js

christian-kolb commented 12 years ago

Sounds nice. I will look into it.

christian-kolb commented 12 years ago

The approach is a good idea, but limits the solution to Firefox and is not ready for productive use yet. If you want to watch the inline pdfs on a Mac you have to use Safari until Adobe releases a version which also works for other browsers.