w3tecch / typeorm-seeding

🌱 A delightful way to seed test data into your database.
MIT License
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Updated dependencies, including TypeORM 0.3.10 #235

Open erlendfh opened 1 year ago

tbakerx commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what the review/approval process is on this project as I am just a humble user. However, the changes here look solid. How do we get some eyes on this?

Agreed, would be great to get this in.

stemount commented 1 year ago

@w3tecch @erlendfh Would be good to get this ready for typeorm v3.0.12 and finally get this merged in!!?

This PR has been open for too long, does the project have co-maintainers as this package is critically missing functionality!


BatuhanW commented 1 year ago

Hello @erlendfh PR looks great and it seems this repo is not maintained anymore. Could you publish your version to NPM with a different name? I'd do it but since it's your work, better if you do that.