w7sst / MorseRunner

Morse Runner Community Edition
Mozilla Public License 2.0
59 stars 12 forks source link

Fetch copies of early Morse Runner projects #1

Closed w7sst closed 1 year ago

w7sst commented 1 year ago

Several authors have performed independent work on Morse Runner. The first step is to fetch this work into a common repository. They will be roughly fetched in original chronological order. These commits will not share a common root commit. We will form a common root commit after these original commits are made.

After fetching these original projects, the following branch names and labels will be added as appropriate:

By combining author-start and author-master, you can easily see the range of commits representing the author's original work. For example, the range [ve3nea-start, ve3nea-master] represents the commits from VE3NEA's original work. If necessary, the author-master branch also represents the point at which to push code back to the original author's repository.

What's next?

After these original branches are fetched into this project, they will be normalized for CRLF correctness. See Issue #2. Normalization will fix CRLF handling between the working tree (your computer) and the index. The convention we want to use is CRLF on Windows, LF on Linux, and LF in the index and repositories. Issue #2 will discuss this issue in depth.

Long term, we will slowly merge into a new development branch desired features and bug fixes. Our goal in the end is to merge most of the independent development branches into a common source tree for long-term maintenance and support.

w7sst commented 1 year ago

Step 1 - copy in original Morse Runner projects

Clone the main repository

Copy in the w7sst/MorseRunner repository...

 git clone https://github.com/w7sst/MorseRunner ./MorseRunner
 cd MorseRunner
 git branch ve3nea-master
 git label ve3nea-start 68972b0
 git tag ve3nea-start 68972b0

Fetch Remaining Repositories

  1. Add DF9TS changes...
    $ git remote add -f df9ts-repo https://github.com/df9ts/MorseRunner.git

Show the git log as a readable tree and set labels/tags...

git log --all --pretty=oneline --graph --decorate --abbrev-commit
*   456d031 (df9ts-repo/master) Merge pull request #3 from DF9TS/port-my-changes
| * aaaba4a (df9ts-repo/port-my-changes) Canges suggested by VE3NEA
* | 5909040 Merge pull request #2 from DF9TS/port-my-changes
| * b8ebad8 WPX: Log window bottom line scroll error
* | 32a5cd8 Merge pull request #1 from DF9TS/port-my-changes
| * 48aa670 (tag: 001) MR changes to compile/run in Delphi10
* 59050f2 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD, ve3nea-master) Remove unfinished changes
* 68972b0 (tag: ve3nea-start) Initial commit

git branch df9ts-master df9ts-repo/master
git tag df9ts-start 68972b0

Show the resulting log, again as a tree...

git log --all --pretty=oneline --graph --decorate --abbrev-commit
*   456d031 (df9ts-repo/master, df9ts-master) Merge pull request #3 from DF9TS/port-my-changes
| * aaaba4a (df9ts-repo/port-my-changes) Canges suggested by VE3NEA
* | 5909040 Merge pull request #2 from DF9TS/port-my-changes
| * b8ebad8 WPX: Log window bottom line scroll error
* | 32a5cd8 Merge pull request #1 from DF9TS/port-my-changes
| * 48aa670 (tag: 001) MR changes to compile/run in Delphi10
* 59050f2 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD, ve3nea-master) Remove unfinished changes
* 68972b0 (tag: ve3nea-start, tag: df9ts-start) Initial commit
  1. Add changes from BH1SCW...
    git remote add -f bh1scw-repo https://github.com/bh1scw/MorseRunner.git
    git tag bh1scw-start d823ca9
    git branch bh1scw-master bh1scw-repo/master

$ git log --all --pretty=oneline --graph --decorate --abbrev-commit

  1. Add GE0LIN changes...

    git remote add -f ge0Lin-repo https://github.com/ge0Lin/Morse-Runner.git
    git branch ge0Lin-master  ge0Lin-repo/master
    git tag ge0Lin-start bh1scw-start
  2. Add CT7AUP changes...

    git remote add -f ct7aup-repo https://github.com/ct7aup/MorseRunner.git
    git tag ct7aup-start 5d91c10
    git branch ct7aup-main ct7aup-repo/main
  3. Add N2IC changes...

    git remote add -f n2ic-repo https://github.com/n2ic/MorseRunner.git
    git branch n2ic-master n2ic-repo/master
    git tag n2ic-start ve3nea-start
  4. Add F7FVY changes...

    git remote add -f f6fvy-repo https://github.com/f6fvy/MorseRunner.git
    git branch f6fvy-master f6fvy-repo/master
    git tag f6fvy-start n2ic-start
  5. Add JR8PPG changes...

    git remote add -f jr8ppg-repo https://github.com/jr8ppg/MorseRunner.git
    git branch jr8ppg-master jr8ppg-repo/master
    git tag jr8ppg-start ve3nea-start
  6. Add zmetzing changes...

    git remote add -f zmetzing-repo https://github.com/zmetzing/MorseRunner.git
    git branch zmetzing-master zmetzing-repo/master
    git tag zmetzing-start ve3nea-start
  7. Push my local repository back up to github (to our repository called "origin").

    git push origin --all
    git push origin --tags

Resulting Remotes

Here is a listing of the remote repositories to which we are connected. These repository names are used as a shorthand if any fetch, pull, or push operations are necessary.

Most likely I will never push to any of these so I could remove the 'push' connections, but I'll leave them for now. We will probably be pushing to N2IC occasionally to provide any N1MM-specific functionality.

$ git remote -v
bg4fqd-repo     https://github.com/bg4fqd/MorseRunner.git (fetch)
bg4fqd-repo     https://github.com/bg4fqd/MorseRunner.git (push)
bh1scw-repo     https://github.com/bh1scw/MorseRunner.git (fetch)
bh1scw-repo     https://github.com/bh1scw/MorseRunner.git (push)
ct7aup-repo     https://github.com/ct7aup/MorseRunner.git (fetch)
ct7aup-repo     https://github.com/ct7aup/MorseRunner.git (push)
df9ts-repo      https://github.com/df9ts/MorseRunner.git (fetch)
df9ts-repo      https://github.com/df9ts/MorseRunner.git (push)
f6fvy-repo      https://github.com/f6fvy/MorseRunner.git (fetch)
f6fvy-repo      https://github.com/f6fvy/MorseRunner.git (push)
ge0Lin-repo     https://github.com/ge0Lin/Morse-Runner.git (fetch)
ge0Lin-repo     https://github.com/ge0Lin/Morse-Runner.git (push)
jr8ppg-repo     https://github.com/jr8ppg/MorseRunner.git (fetch)
jr8ppg-repo     https://github.com/jr8ppg/MorseRunner.git (push)
n2ic-repo       https://github.com/n2ic/MorseRunner.git (fetch)
n2ic-repo       https://github.com/n2ic/MorseRunner.git (push)
origin  https://github.com/w7sst/MorseRunner (fetch)
origin  https://github.com/w7sst/MorseRunner (push)
zmetzing-repo   https://github.com/zmetzing/MorseRunner.git (fetch)
zmetzing-repo   https://github.com/zmetzing/MorseRunner.git (push)

Resulting commit tree

Here is the commit history tree. You can also see the commit tree in GitHub's Network Graph.

If you look carefully at this tree, you can see some trees that are standalone. They are:

Note - if you run this command in a Cmd shell, it will show up in color. I use an alias for this command: alias gl='git log --all --pretty=oneline --graph --decorate --abbrev-commit'

$ git log --all --pretty=oneline --graph --decorate --abbrev-commit
* 10d8a71 (zmetzing-repo/add_wpm) Added option to record DX WPM into log.
* 29590a6 (zmetzing-repo/master, zmetzing-repo/fix_bufsize, zmetzing-master) Linux buffer size fix.
* caea6c3 Moved code to fix buffer size issue on Linux
* dc54456 Updated Readme
* 39cda21 (zmetzing-repo/fix_random) Score dialog rejiggered to something usable.
* 158a00c Search current directory for call list. Announce which file will be used. Also, include call list master file.
* b6e0cf1 Fixed GUI crashing. Wrong thread was trying to do buffer operations. Non-optimal waiting (10ms) on the fill thread, but it works for now.
* 4521e4b Removed debug messages.
* 91b68a1 Update gitignore for core files
* 85fdfe4 Debug
* 65f64b2 Fixing GUI problems
* 37854fd Fixed sound. :) GUI broken and crashes when operating. :(
* 39e8614 It makes noise! Sorta intelligible, but not right,
* b1b71b4 SDL callback firing. Very close to real audio out.
* 4e3bf45 Added convenience Makefile when not using IDE.
* 9c0f03a Threads kinda working. Needed for audio processing, maybe?
* 9b455fb Updated .gitignorew
* 8129079 Error handling and command-line options for the SDL example file
* 1377b6e Pascal SDL example code
* 6567390 Starting to fix threads, but still broken.
* 7a36dc8 Auto-converted by Lazarus 2.2.0, compiled with FPC 3.2.2; Doesn't work, just a start.
| * 277276d (tag: MorseRunnerJA_1.68.2, jr8ppg-repo/master, jr8ppg-master) Changed: ACAG対応,相手が間違えると001形式になるのを修正,WPXのNR判定修正
| * ec21c66 Create FUNDING.yml
| *   d91d11a Merge pull request #1 from jr8ppg/allja
| |\  
| | * 39b956d (tag: MorseRunnerJA_1.68.1, jr8ppg-repo/allja) Changed: zLogっぽいキー操作ができるようにした
| | * 7094cb8 Changed: 少し手直し
| | * ad45928 Changed: こちらのNRを送信できるようにした
| | * 57ed782 Changed: ALL JA用に修正2(良い感じになってきた)
| | * 7d6b5de Changed: ALL JA用に修正してみた
| |/  
| * c154efb (tag: MorseRunner1.68.1) Create LICENSE
| * b5a8373 Fixed for Delphi 10.4
| * a77149c (ct7aup-repo/main, ct7aup-main) Add files via upload
| * 09fc2c6 Add files via upload
| * 3916fd4 Update README.md
| * 455e090 Update README.md
| * 5988786 Add files via upload
| * 5d91c10 (tag: ct7aup-start) Initial commit
| *   0f9b9b5 (n2ic-repo/master, n2ic-master) Merge pull request #8 from n2ic/temp
| |\  
| | * 406e220 Add files via upload
| |/  
| *   492822a Merge pull request #7 from n2ic/may102020C
| |\  
| | * b64752a Add files via upload
| |/  
| *   a0cd6ff Merge pull request #6 from n2ic/May102020B
| |\  
| | * d247d43 Add files via upload
| |/  
| *   17829f4 Merge pull request #5 from n2ic/may102020
| |\  
| | * 07b65df Add files via upload
| |/  
| *   e43dd6f Merge pull request #4 from n2ic/May8otherdirectories
| |\  
| | * 49d3a64 Add files via upload
| | * 7b0e7b1 Add files via upload
| |/  
| *   b33eb7c Merge pull request #3 from n2ic/May-8-2020
| |\  
| | * 9864e67 Add files via upload
| |/  
| *   d6c8a25 Merge pull request #2 from n2ic/mr042620
| |\  
| | * d3a9203 Add files via upload
| | * bc18c5d Delete SndOut.pas
| | * 014a845 Add files via upload
| | * 8f3a2d7 Add files via upload
| |/  
| *   ff61653 Merge pull request #1 from f6fvy/patch-1
| |\  
| | | * 621c937 (tag: 1.68.4+, f6fvy-repo/master, f6fvy-master) Add Master.dta to the repository
| | | * 0f5786c Implement the MouseWheel as RIT
| | | * 7095a0e (tag: 1.68.3+) Replace the original TVolumeSlider component (not ported) by a standard Lazarus TTrackBar control
| | | * db0ca30 Set volume slider inside GroupBox (still not working)
| | | * 4dbee3b Fix bug : When a Q is entered, DxCount taken into account to possibly add new callers was not correct
| | | * 7f278fe Better F7 management
| | | * 4bec21d F7 ('?') Instructs callers to call again if nothing has been caught or if what was caught is wrong
| | | * edd60af Stop tracking MorseRunner.lps
| | | * 45dad4d (tag: 1.68.2+) Add lps and bak files to gitignore
| | | * c467b0c Update version number and readme.txt
| | | * d8b6f6b Remove beep when Enter is hit after a Q is entered
| | | * d16bffd Modify the "reply or not" algorithm
| | | * 749dafc Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/patch-1'
| | |/| 
| |/|/  
| | * 69c5b0b (f6fvy-repo/patch-1) Add callers to the pile-up when a QSO is done
| |/  
| * aea0aa4 added udp server
| * e36b1e3 original commit
| * f5e96d3 (bh1scw-repo/master, bh1scw-master) fix tab switch between NR RST and Callsign
| * 29cfce0 (tag: 1.71, ge0Lin-repo/master, ge0Lin-master) fix bugs and this is version 1.71
| * 277c95c (tag: 1.70) 1.7 Beta some bug fixing
| * 5b4d2f0 new feature: support show callsign information
| * 9b4896f (tag: 1.69) MorseRunner1.69 by BG4FQD
| * d823ca9 (tag: ge0Lin-start, tag: bh1scw-start) :tada: Added .gitattributes
| *   456d031 (df9ts-repo/master, df9ts-master) Merge pull request #3 from DF9TS/port-my-changes
| |\  
| | * aaaba4a (df9ts-repo/port-my-changes) Canges suggested by VE3NEA
| * | 5909040 Merge pull request #2 from DF9TS/port-my-changes
| |\| 
| | * b8ebad8 WPX: Log window bottom line scroll error
| * | 32a5cd8 Merge pull request #1 from DF9TS/port-my-changes
|/| | 
| |/  
| * 48aa670 (tag: 001) MR changes to compile/run in Delphi10
* 59050f2 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD, bg4fqd-repo/master, ve3nea-master) Remove unfinished changes
* 68972b0 (tag: zmetzing-start, tag: ve3nea-start, tag: n2ic-start, tag: jr8ppg-start, tag: f6fvy-start, tag: df9ts-start) Initial commit