w84death / floppinux

An Embedded 🐧Linux on a Single 💾Floppy
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Not realy an issue... :) #1

Closed tinkercnc closed 2 years ago

tinkercnc commented 3 years ago

Yeah! Very cool! Thank you very much. Will try it as soon as possible.

w84death commented 3 years ago

Your welcome ;)

image28 commented 3 years ago

Looking into re-adding aout binary format support for this, will shrink the system-size right down, allow space for things like minimal gui's etc.... Compiling now. Also adding '-j 22' or '-j [number of threads to compile with] speeds up the kernel build a lot ( Around 1 minute on my system ).

w84death commented 3 years ago

Awesome! I would be very happy if you make PR with some additional changes like that. I'm still learning. I also saw that there is a flag -Os to size for GCC. Those should be added to make command or somewhere in the makefile ?

I have trouble with using uClib and this should shrink busybox significantly.

image28 commented 3 years ago

Looking at tinycc or tcc, which can compile/run c programs right from source, attempting busybox compiles and the previous comment about getting MAGIC0/aout support working again ( was just depreciated in a recent kernel ). Looked at https://github.com/minos-org/minos-static to get the build started but it seems down for me.

image28 commented 3 years ago

Being using linux/unix since 1996-7 ( was about 12-13 at the time )

w84death commented 3 years ago

Do you have any screenshot or photos when you run my distro (or your flavor) ? I'm working on a article featuring all the people creations/tests. I would love to include you also :)