w84death / floppinux

An Embedded 🐧Linux on a Single 💾Floppy
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Added build automation using custom docker image. #6

Open anabolyc opened 1 year ago

anabolyc commented 1 year ago

Key change is build automation using github actions. Upon every change pipeline is run to build custom docker container that provides build environment, then floppinux image is built using repo's original Makefile with minor modifications.

I had to update kernel and busybox configs to current versions, othervise respective builds failed. Also frozen busybox to current stable branch, since development branch is failing to build every now and then.

Purpose of this change is to provide an example of pipelienes serving documentation purpose. Whenever one have issues following this repo's guide, you can always look up into the pipeline. You get latest build stored in github as a bonus.