wDCat / ANRC

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Memu Trouble on account #91

Closed AkagiShiroe closed 6 years ago

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

hmm @wDCat could you check memu? its seem have trouble loading savefiles from what im reading in reddit forum and now i got message everytime i login in title screen (written like this:コユ メッサゲ ガ ゲット ニ シマッタ : 予期しなし丶工ラーヵ遭発ま生せ聴ため、 処珪菫ヵ〟続行でき 工ラーコー ド: 99-1498730644 (random number in here)... could you investigate?.. probably do some patch on it.. or make some method? ._. its "fate" game..

Teodor19 commented 7 years ago

I tried changing permissions of fate folder to default, but either i failed or it didn't work. Just a note.

Also, entering in new acc is possible for the first time even though error 99 shows up.

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

i tried to decompiled it with some hex program called "Active Disk Editor" and it is got blocked.. that Execute Permission is set to "0".. only Read/Write allowed and seems MEmu does execute the file rather to read-it

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

untitled and it does fck up some phone as well.. i hope DW fix it.. or we gonna do some patching on that execute permission. (FO Seems resetting them into 0 to make it hidden for unroot devices, bad method i should say)

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

Yeah. It does look like its an error on the APK's side. What the hell dw.

Currently though, i'm checking if a fresh install will also do the same shit.

LinuxMint+.VMDK Combo is nice to check the files out.

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

Alright, so its impossible to play with Memu currently.

I've checked and tried with a fresh installation, but unfortunately, it didn't work.

I've already did the chmod 770 for the entire folder, so nothing's happening.

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

you could tried to modify it to have a "special permission" to change permission?... its should be on FGO Startup code where they change every "Execute" to 0 and only enable R/W for MasterCache.

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

So specific chmods huh. I'll wait if DW fixes it, otherwise i'll work on it overnight.

29988122 commented 7 years ago

Although I understand nothing you guys said, I still looking forward to the results!

Thank you all!

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

@AkagiShiroe Alright so i've been poking around with the savedata files and MasterCache,

I've pretty much did a full chmod 770 and 700 (Owner Full Access, Everyone else gets nothing) to MasterCache and as well as the .dat files

From what I've read, it seems to be MeMu unable to read the files in that operation + the APK being a jerk to permissions (Can it even change permissions? I mean there's no root mode at all)

wDCat commented 7 years ago

Maybe it detect vpn...

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

@reihunter360 it could from what i see.. every single apk check/apk got startup.. its allways change the permission for MasterCache to default DRW(Read/Write without execute which mean hidden them in the devices) im also trying to change User and Group to another but no luck.. apk still got them like a cake. no from what i see its only Check Permission -> Change (with method Read/Write for new one and if there's an exist one it will make another file from existing file from RAM), its probably hooked up with Root-Checker(that grub checking method.. hell i hate that.. probably that will be a hint for You @wDCat ). also you can read fgo log in data that named with random name with "App" name. I hope its just a bug for game reading method(map section.. if you tried to use bind you could login but you can't do anything except checking your servant & C.E List and my room. yeah terrible day for a terrible bug i say.

cubanodun commented 7 years ago

@wDCat i dont think vpn has something to do, i know people that are playing from devices from Mexico and Peru and they are running the game fine i also saw people from japan complaining to the official twitter account about how the error was appearing even in iPhones

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

DW put out a Dont Worry Post. Now we wait until they fuck things up again.

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

please no stupid emulator block again.. this things are f*cking unroot.. same as RemixOS

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

Alright. looks like they've got a new protection of sorts.

The game may have sent out a login error to the servers, and then IP blocks you. Not sure for how long though.

Can't get into the login screen without encountering a generic "Cannot connect, retry!' Screen. On both accounts too.

The fuck DW. You're getting seriously bad each time.

Well anyways, that's just me, not sure who else is affected.

Teodor19 commented 7 years ago

The only difference here is that 99-14987 changed to 99-14988 on login attempt. Just a note, every affected android phone i saw so far seems to be 5.1 Android, same as Cat's backup Memu. That doesn't explain iOS thing at all though.

cubanodun commented 7 years ago

This is almost as bad as when they decided to ban random people for no reason at all back in the day (iirc was during the Kara no kyoukai event)

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

hi @wDCat any news on 4.x version?.. probably those version can run game very well to clarify/verify @Teodor19 mention that only 5.1 android got the problem.

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

com.aniplex.fategrandorder ; [FOLDER] U: Create and delete files G: Access Files O: no list, no create/delete access x : Yes. drwxr-x--x

/files/ /cache/ /app_SmartBeat/ /shared_prefs/ U: Create and delete files G: Create and delete files O: no list, no create/delete, access X : Yes. drwxrwx--x

Randomly Named Folders; /databases/ U: Create and delete files G: None O: None X: Owner only. drwx------ chmod 700

/file/MasterDataCaches; Cookies; HTTPCache; AssetCaches [FOLDER] U: Create and Delete Files G: none O: none X: Owner only chmod 700

All files under AssetCaches\Android\; .dat files [Files] U: Read and Write G: None O: None x : Nope chmod 600

All files under /shared_pref/ & /databases/ [Files] U : Read and Write G : Read and Write O : None x : Nope

lib [Files] U : Read & Write G : Read & Write O : Read & Write x : Yes. (chmod 777)

Freshly installed FateGO folder looks like this.

Seems like most have special permissions.

But there's one thing that's bothering me, every file has this "when was this changed?"

I wonder if you can set chmod to not display that.

RinFallen commented 7 years ago

Does anyone here know how to move data FGO on Remix OS Dual Boot to Phone ? My account is stuck on Remix OS and i can't login to the game to bind a new code :( Pls help me i very appreciate for help.

Teodor19 commented 7 years ago

@RinFallen Answered on reddit. Either i got lucky or Memu got fixed.

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

@RinFallen Uhm. You can mount the .img into virtualbox, and run something like Linux Mint VM (Installed w/ Shared Folders)

Then you can copy everything. .-.

wDCat commented 7 years ago

@AkagiShiroe I have made a memu 4.4 image,but sadly,same problem... you can download this image here: Baidu Pan(still updating,will be available after 1 hour)

For temporarily entering fgo:

  1. switch on VPN (It's not able to connect to fgo server directly in China)
  2. Open fgo and enter the "Touch Screen" screen
  3. switch off VPN
  4. return to fgo and touch screen.It will show "Connecting..." for a long time
  5. wait for some second and switch on VPN
  6. enjoy..

This way comes from another forum and works for many people.

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

@wDCat are those VPN method work for JP Server that come with error "99-XXXXX"?.. i want to bind my account.. (allready used it.. and got stuck.. urgh)

wDCat commented 7 years ago

@AkagiShiroe Yes,and It's need many tries.

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

@wDCat thanks. I'll try your method.

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

... k, i have a lot of proxy here.. probably work.. u only said VPN Right?.. when i open FGO i use "Proxy 1" then i have to switch to "Proxy 2" when i click touch screen?.. then switch to "Proxy 1" Again?.. or Proxy 3?

wDCat commented 7 years ago

@AkagiShiroe Almost.But "Proxy 2" should make fgo cannot connect to server (I guess,because I cannot connect to fgo server without a VPN)

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

there's no prompt "retry because disconect" right?

wDCat commented 7 years ago

@AkagiShiroe yes

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

probably "1x.xx.xx" server?.. since fgo does have twin , normal one access "52.xx.xx.xx".. are you allready tried that method with memu?

wDCat commented 7 years ago

@AkagiShiroe yes,I tried this method with Shadowsocks. And I dont know which server it connects...

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago


What VPN app are you using? and what settings?

wDCat commented 7 years ago

@reihunter360 shadowsocks

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

@wDCat any of the proxy should work right?

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

it is safe right?.. i hate if my account got banned.. got melt and shiki void here.. and lost my bind is the reckless mistake i ever made.

RinFallen commented 7 years ago

@AkagiShiroe Me too :( I can't login to the game to bind a new code :( If something happen with my account i'm gonna kill myself

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

@AkagiShiroe @RinFallen Yeah i can't get the VPN slide to work.

Guess i'll just wait for DW's Fix + wDcat's awesomeness

RinFallen commented 7 years ago

@reihunter360 DW had replied a mail to my friend They said " We should wait for them fix 3 - 5 Days" lol

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

@wDCat this great cat never fall.. sorry to be honest i can't donate any money :( , i'll mirror your 4.4 Memu version soon and share it on group.. should i add some Shortlink that generate money for you? if you have any FB Contact could you add me? (for you too rei,rinfallen and teodore).. mine is "Akagi Shiroe".. with Rushella from Gin No Cross as profile picture.

RinFallen commented 7 years ago

@AkagiShiroe I can't add you :) Pls turn on Add friend button

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

@RinFallen really? here my fb link, i never disable friend button :(

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

@AkagiShiroe sure.

RinFallen commented 7 years ago

@AkagiShiroe "This page is not available" :< Here's my Facebook

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

@RinFallen you should try right click the link then paste it.. github redirect is weird to be honest with..

wDCat commented 7 years ago

A little donation link(:зゝ∠):https://www.paypal.me/wdcatdonation

sorry that I don't use fb,but you can contact me by github and email:D

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

which email? @wDCat i never heard/read it before :lol.. do you hate fb? its the most used things before twitter and line or.. yeah whatever they call it now.

AkagiShiroe commented 7 years ago

slow lmao speed.. i hate baidu when its come to speed and accessability untitled

wDCat commented 7 years ago

my email: wdcat@foxmail.com because of the holy shit firewall,only a few people around me can use fb....

reihunter360 commented 7 years ago

@wDCat chinese firewalls too thick? XD