mswjs/msw (msw)
### [`v2.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v2.0.0 (2023-10-23)
> **This release is a BREAKING CHANGE**. Please follow the [Migration guidelines]( to upgrade. This release took a lot of effort to make, and I expect a bit of that effort on your part while upgrading. Most of the changes are mechanical, and a simple Find/Replace All will get you a long way. For the rest of it, you will learn how to handle requests and responses using the standard JavaScript API. Thank you!
#### Breaking changes
- **Drops support for Node.js 16**. Please upgrade to Node.js 18 or later to use the global Fetch API.
- **Drops support for TypeScript `< 4.7`.**
- All browser-side exports, like `setupWorker`, `SetupWorkerApi`, etc., must be imported from `msw/browser` now.
- Renames the `rest` object to `http` (`rest.get` -> `http.get`).
- Response resolver call signature is no longer `(req, res, ctx) => res()` but instead `({ request }) => new Response()`.
- The following exports are removed due to no longer being needed:
- `response`
- `context` and related exports (`defaultContext`, `restContext`, `graphqlContext`).
- `compose` and `createResponseComposition`
- `res.once()` is removed in favor of the `{ once: boolean }` option on the request handler.
- Replaces the `.printHandlers()` method with `.listHandlers()`.
- Removes the `NetworkError` class in favor of the standard `Response.error()`.
- Moves request error handling from the worker thread to the client thread.
- Changes the call signature of the Life-cycle Events API to accept a single object argument.
- Uses `crypto.randomUUID()` instead of `Math.random()` in the worker.
- **For the full list of changes and detailed instructions on how to upgrade please see the [Migration guidelines](docs/migrations/1.x-to-2.x).**
#### Features
- **Adopts Fetch API primitives**. Represent intercepted requests and mocked responses as `Request` and `Response` instances respectively.
- **Supports Node.js v18**.
- Supports `ReadableStream` as a mocked response body.
- Supports reading the intercepted request body as `FormData`.
- Supports `FormData` as a mocked response body.
- Uses `File` polyfill in Node.js.
- Supports XMLHttpRequest “upload” events when responding with a mocked stream response.
- Allows mocking a network error once using the `{ once: true }` request handler option.
- Makes the `RequestHandler` API public.
#### Bug fixes
- Fixes the issue where the request body couldn’t be properly read as `FormData`.
- Fixes a set of issues related to response patching when using the `FormData` response body.
- Fixes the issue where `URLSearchParams` as the request body couldn’t be read.
- Fixes the issue where a bypassed request’s `referrerPolicy` was reset to a different value than the original.
- Fixes the wrong order of `XMLHttpRequest` events and `readyState` changes.
- Fixes the issue when reading an XMLHttpRequest body of `responseType` equal to `"arraybuffer"` as an incorrect buffer (previously, always assumed to be a string).
- Fixes the order of `XMLHttpRequest` events when the request fails.
- Keeps XMLHttpRequest `status` equal to 0 until the request actually resolves.
- Fixes the issue when the `onload` event callback was called twice for `XMLHttpRequest`.
- Various improvements in Node.js network behavior compliance.
[@dbritto-dev]( [@ddolcimascolo]( [@markwhitfeld]( [@christoph-fricke]( [@thepassle]( [@piotr-cz]( [@mattcosta7]( [@koddsson]( [@dkobierski]( [@ricardocosta]( [@dxlbnl]( [@zkochan]( [@felipefreitag]( [@weyert]( [@95th]( [@committomaster]( [@Xayer]( [@Kosai106]( [@colinsullivan]( [@xmlking]( [@thw0rted]( [@lee-reinhardt]( [@wKovacs64]( [@TeChn4K]( [@cmolina]( [@nickrttn]( [@thomasbertet]( [@mscottnelson]( [@jonnedeprez]( [@negabaro]( [@the-ult]( [@WesleyYue]( [@cwagner22]( [@skvale]( [@alawiii521]( [@csantos1113]( [@elliotgonzalez123]( [@committomaster]( [@tsteckenborn]( [@xxleyi]( [@jonnedeprez]( [@danny-does-stuff]( [@lemcii]( [@mattrodak]( [@luisr-carrillo]( [@lee-reinhardt]( [@ealejandrootalvaro]( [@tomdglenn91](
### [`v1.3.2`](
[Compare Source](
#### v1.3.2 (2023-10-01)
##### Bug Fixes
- set minimal "graphql" version to 16.18.1 ([#1754]( ([`0a857f6`]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v1.3.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v1.3.1 (2023-09-13)
##### Bug Fixes
- pin "headers-polyfill" to 3.2.5 ([#1736]( ([`2e53ae7`]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v1.3.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v1.3.0 (2023-09-03)
##### Features
- support TypeScript 5.2 ([#1711]( ([`2ca791e`]( [@chentsulin]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v1.2.5`](
[Compare Source](
#### v1.2.5 (2023-08-28)
##### Bug Fixes
- allow installs with any version of pnpm ([#1713]( ([`d35e851`]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v1.2.4`](
[Compare Source](
#### v1.2.4 (2023-08-25)
##### Bug Fixes
- **dependency:** unpin the "chalk" dependency ([#1639]( ([`a93f63b`]( [@blowery]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v1.2.3`](
[Compare Source](
#### v1.2.3 (2023-07-20)
##### Bug Fixes
- clone Response before logging ([#1662]( ([`daa04af`]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v1.2.2`](
[Compare Source](
#### v1.2.2 (2023-06-09)
##### Bug Fixes
- log `ReadableStream` responses as text/json ([#1622]( ([`4c7e952`]( [@esquevin]( [@kettanaito](
- support typescript 5.1 as a peer dependency ([#1633]( ([`8e37d9c`]( [@gthb]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v1.2.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v1.2.1 (2023-03-24)
##### Bug Fixes
- update dependencies to support ESM ([#1575]( ([`e7a6008`]( [@kettanaito](
- update "headers-polyfill" to 3.1.2 to fix the ESM issue ([#1571]( ([`4f44f11`]( [@cstenglein](
### [`v1.2.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v1.2.0 (2023-03-22)
##### Features
- add `operationName` to GraphQL request ([#1568]( ([`115b435`]( [@ligaz]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v1.1.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v1.1.1 (2023-03-20)
##### Bug Fixes
- **typescript:** support typescript 5.0 ([#1566]( ([`c0616d1`]( [@mattcosta7](
### [`v1.1.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### v1.1.0 (2023-02-24)
##### Features
- support global fetch in Node.js ([#1543]( ([`049f21d`]( [@kettanaito](
##### Bug Fixes
- return types of "setupWorker" and "setupServer" API ([#1540]( ([`78d1834`]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v1.0.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v1.0.1 (2023-02-10)
##### Bug Fixes
- add "package.json" subpath export ([#1530]( ([`12a581f`]( [@iceu-bb]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v1.0.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v1.0.0 (2023-01-25)
- rename "SetupWorkerApi"/"SetupServerApi" types to "SetupWorker"/"SetupServer" ([#1478]( ([`4fde47e`]( [@gduliscouet-ubitransport]( [@kettanaito](
##### Features
- throw and suggest a URL polyfill for React Native ([#1520]( ([`b4ac829`]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v0.49.3`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.49.3 (2023-01-19)
##### Bug Fixes
- use EventTarget-based event emitter ([#1522]( ([`6a94b8c`]( [@chrisguttandin](
### [`v0.49.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### v0.49.2 (2022-12-13)
##### Bug Fixes
- use `globalThis.fetch` in `ctx.fetch` utility ([#1490]( ([`42cdbc7`]( [@Toxiapo]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v0.49.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.49.1 (2022-11-28)
##### Bug Fixes
- **setupWorker:** resolve the TS4094 error ([#1477]( ([`c268796`]( [@gduliscouet-ubitransport](
### [`v0.49.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.49.0 (2022-11-19)
##### Features
- support TypeScript 4.9, drop support for TypeScript 4.2, 4.3 ([#1467]( ([`af0277d`]( [@wtchnm](
### [`v0.48.3`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.48.3 (2022-11-15)
##### Bug Fixes
- **SetupApi:** validate given request handlers ([#1460]( ([`a06a944`]( [@kettanaito](
- inline `statuses` dependency during the build ([#1458]( ([`99d49f9`]( [@mattcosta7]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v0.48.2`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.48.2 (2022-11-13)
##### Bug Fixes
- resolve absolute worker url against the current path ([#1456]( ([`f8d15b4`]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v0.48.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.48.1 (2022-11-10)
##### Bug Fixes
- bufferUtils import path ([#1453]( ([`91b2902`]( [@cksal0805](
### [`v0.48.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.48.0 (2022-11-08)
##### Features
- add "SetupApi" base class ([#1445]( ([`85ba844`]( [@Toxiapo]( [@kettanaito](
- do not interfere with shared workers ([#1448]( ([`670dda7`]( [@mucsi96]( [@kettanaito](
- makes the library esm-compatible ([#1399]( ([`41798eb`]( [@ivanhofer]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v0.47.4`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.47.4 (2022-10-04)
##### Bug Fixes
- correctly link types in `package.json` `exports` field ([#1395]( ([`3902b8c`]( [@ivanhofer]( [@kettanaito](
- include error stack in log when handling uncaught exceptions ([#1417]( ([`933a9d6`]( [@jkieboom]( [@kettanaito](
- remove duplicate response logging in the browser console ([#1418]( ([`78d155f`]( [@snaka]( [@kettanaito](
### [`v0.47.3`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.47.3 (2022-09-15)
##### Bug Fixes
- update "headers-polyfill" and "[@mswjs/interceptors](" to fix "/lib" issue ([#1407]( ([`41d8c08`](
### [`v0.47.2`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.47.2 (2022-09-13)
##### Bug Fixes
- fix a typo in the "listHandlers" method jsdoc ([#1403]( ([`c90eafb`](
### [`v0.47.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.47.1 (2022-09-10)
##### Bug Fixes
- print response log only when response arrives ([#1392]( ([`638fad9`](
### [`v0.47.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.47.0 (2022-09-04)
##### Features
- add explicit `exports` map in package.json ([#1383]( ([`5e1c1a6`](
### [`v0.46.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.46.1 (2022-09-01)
##### Bug Fixes
- **deps:** include "graphql" as a dependency ([#1381]( ([`8436515`](
### [`v0.46.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.46.0 (2022-08-31)
##### Features
- fix a typo in the worker script ([`62f7c4d`](
- support typescript v4.8 ([#1375]( ([`631f629`](
- add "listHandlers" method to server and worker ([#1369]( ([`18f5778`](
### [`v0.45.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.45.0 (2022-08-22)
##### Features
- make GraphQL a peer dependency, support GraphQL v15.0 ([#1356]( ([`ca0e2e0`](
### [`v0.44.2`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.44.2 (2022-07-19)
##### Bug Fixes
- transfer mocked response as ArrayBuffer to the worker ([#1337]( ([`95be5f8`](
### [`v0.44.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.44.1 (2022-07-14)
##### Bug Fixes
- super call stack overflow ([#1328]( ([`6a3f442`](
### [`v0.44.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.44.0 (2022-07-13)
##### Breaking changes
- `req.destination` default value is now `""` (empty string), previously `"document"`.
- `req.redirect` default value is now `""follow"`, previously `"manual"`.
- The library no longer exports the `parseIsomorphicRequest()` function ([#1316]( Please use `MockedRequest` class instead.
##### Features
- adhere to [Fetch API "Request"]( in response resolver ([#1316](, [@95th]( ([`fc7f00c`]( This means the addition of a few properties on the `req` instance:
- [`req.priority`](, indicates a priority of request relatively to other requests (default `"auto"`);
- [`req.text()`](, reads the request body as plain text;
- [`req.json()`](, reads the request body as JSON;
- [`req.arrayBuffer()`](, reads the request body as `ArrayBuffer`;
- [`req.clone()`](, clones a request instance (i.e. so its body could be read multiple times).
- remove unnecessary stringification of worker-client messages ([#1320]( ([`6990c3a`](
##### Deprecations
- **`req.body` is deprecated**. Please use explicit request body reading methods: `req.text()`, `req.json()`, `req.arrayBuffer()` (other methods, like `req.formData()` are currently not supported).
```js'/user', async (req, res, ctx) => {
const newUser = await req.json()
> `req.body` is still present for compatibility reasons but will be removed in the next releases.
### [`v0.43.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.43.1 (2022-07-07)
##### Bug Fixes
- support multiple response cookies using "ctx.cookie()" ([#1311]( ([`66c3ad8`](
### [`v0.43.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.43.0 (2022-07-04)
##### Features
- send mocked response body as ReadableStream to the worker ([#1288]( ([`78c7d7e`](
### [`v0.42.3`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.42.3 (2022-06-22)
##### Bug Fixes
- apply response delay conditionally ([#1300]( ([`496154d`](
### [`v0.42.2`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.42.2 (2022-06-22)
##### Bug Fixes
- **setupServer:** reference interceptors to support fast refresh ([#1299]( ([`72f0b25`](
### [`v0.42.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.42.1 (2022-06-07)
##### Bug Fixes
- add "ctx.field()" for GraphQL responses ([#1257]( ([`442f48d`](
### [`v0.42.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.42.0 (2022-05-30)
##### Features
- upgrade to [@mswjs/interceptors]( 0.16 ([#1262]( ([`2176577`](
##### Bug Fixes
- remove "esm" build target ([#1263]( ([`61a755a`](
### [`v0.41.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.41.1 (2022-05-27)
##### Bug Fixes
- support typescript 4.7 ([#1256]( ([`b020270`](
### [`v0.41.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.41.0 (2022-05-22)
##### Features
- improve module formats (cjs, esm, iife) ([#1247]( ([`00e9c58`](
### [`v0.40.2`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.40.2 (2022-05-20)
##### Bug Fixes
- support typescript 4.4.x, 4.5.x, 4.6.x ([#1245]( ([`5378416`](
### [`v0.40.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.40.1 (2022-05-19)
##### Bug Fixes
- support typescript 4.3.x ([#1244]( ([`3bca5be`](
### [`v0.40.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### v0.40.0 (2022-05-17)
##### Breaking changes
- Returning `undefined`, or early returns, from response resolvers, now does not perform request as-is, and is instead treated as a handler that didn't do anything. Please return [`req.passthrough()`]( if you wish to bypass a request.
rest.get('/resource', (req, res, ctx) => {
// I want to perform this intercepted request as-is.
- return
+ return req.passthrough()
##### Features
- add "unhandledException" life-cycle event ([#1199]( ([`5c90799`](
- improve PathParams type to support interface ([#1219]( ([`b70266f`](
- rename "DefaultRequestBody" to "DefaultBodyType" ([`53aa3a1`](
- add "req.passthrough" ([#1204]( ([`4e1b1ad`](
- add service worker scope and worker script URL to "Mocking enabled" message ([#1172]( ([`ab3d399`](
- set "typescript" optional peer dependency to 4.2.x ([#985]( ([`b1004a6`](
##### Bug Fixes
- **setupWorker:** warn on multiple "worker.start" and "worker.stop" calls ([#1238]( ([`cfe0709`](
- remove console.log from "setRequestCookies" ([`6f7ed98`](
- set "credentials" to "same-origin" for "ClientRequest" ([#1159]( ([`c3cd80a`](
### [`v0.39.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### Bug Fixes
- **parseIsomorphicRequest:** bypassing cookies properly ([#1155]( ([755bc9d](
- set "credentials" to "same-origin" for "ClientRequest" ([#1159]( ([c3cd80a](
- set minimal supported Node.js version to 14 ([#1160]( ([d7ab139](
### [`v0.39.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Bug Fixes
- add fallback for "\_defaultAgent" in ClientRequest ([#1152]( ([21fcbc5](
### [`v0.39.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Breaking changes
- require node 16 and higher ([#1136]( ([6f4895e](
##### Bug Fixes
- **setupWorker:** resolve the "start" promise after the worker has activated ([#1146]( ([f6e709c](
### [`v0.38.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### Bug Fixes
- update [@mswjs/interceptors]( to 0.13.5 ([#1127]( ([1b59ab7](
### [`v0.38.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Bug Fixes
- **handleRequest:** bypass request only if "x-msw-bypass" header equals "true" ([#1110]( ([1a7bc36](
### [`v0.38.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- update to [@mswjs/interceptors]( 0.13.3 ([#1095]( ([e288d18](, closes [#1102](
- allow default behavior of `onUnhandledRequest` in a custom callback ([](
onUnhandledRequest(request, print) {
// Ignore unhandled warnings/errors from asset requests.
if (request.url.href.includes('/assets/') {
// Otherwise, execute the default warning/error/ strategy.
print.warning() // or "print.error()"
### [`v0.36.8`](
[Compare Source](
##### Bug Fixes
- allow variables inference in GraphQLRequest ([#1081]( ([6e7ec28](
### [`v0.36.7`](
[Compare Source](
##### Bug Fixes
- update "[@mswjs/cookies](" for safe `localStorage` access ([#1071]( ([99ae530](
- update `node-fetch` to 2.6.7 to fix a security vulnerability ([#1072]( ([72a34f6](
### [`v0.36.5`](
[Compare Source](
##### Bug Fixes
- parse request body with letter case `Content-Type` header value ([#1064]( ([7796418](
### [`v0.36.4`](
[Compare Source](
#### Bug fixes
- Fixes an issue that resulted in port numbers being treated as path parameters ([#1036](, [#1028](
### [`v0.36.3`](
[Compare Source](
### Bug fixes
- Fixes an issue that resulted in the CORS policy violation due to the library appending the `x-msw-request-id` request header ([#713](, [#1022](, [#1024](
#### Internal
- No longer sets the `x-msw-request-id` header on the request ([#1024]( Relies on the `` set by the interceptors (Node.js) or the `requestId` generated by the worker (browser).
### [`v0.36.2`](
[Compare Source](
#### Bug fixes
- Fixes an issue that resulted in the "TypeError: expected.toLowerCase() is not a function" exception when using the `rest.all()` request handler ([#1020](, [#1021](
### [`v0.36.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### Bug fixes
- Fixes an issue that resulted in the "SyntaxError: Invalid group specified name" exception in Safari ([#1018](, [#1019]( ).
### [`v0.36.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Breaking changes
- Uses [path-to-regexp]( for URL matching ([#691](, [#888]( This makes the path matching experience identical to such in ExpressJS, and enabled various new features:
- Optional path segments (`/foo/bar?`);
- Repeating groups (`/foo/bar+`).
- Request path parameters are now annotated as ambiguous `string | string[]` ([#999](
- The `RequestParams` generic now follows the `RequestBodyType` generic, changing its order ([#999](
```ts {}
- Removes the `RequestParams` type ([#999]( Please use the `PathParams` type instead.
- import { RequestParams } from 'msw'
+ import { PathParams } from 'msw'
- Relative requests are now resolved against `document.baseURI` (previously `location.origin`) in a browser-like environments ([#1007](, [#1008](
##### Features
- Adds a new `rest.all()` request handler ([#896]( This handler captures all REST API requests regardless of method.
import { rest } from 'msw'
rest.all('/api/*', (req, res, ctx) => {
// Intercepts all requests to "/api/*"
// regardless of their method.
- Supports encoded request path components ([#980](
- Supports mocking GraphQL extensions ([#981](
graphql.query('GetUser', (req, res, ctx) => {
return res(
message: 'Mocked extension',
tracking: { version: '1.2.3' }
- Exports `SetupWorkerApi` and `SetupServerApi` from the browser and Node.js modules respectively ([#994](
##### Bug fixes
- Specifies `typescript` as a `peerDependency` to control supported TypeScript versions ([#985](
- Fixes an issue that resulted in `graphql.operation` handler producing a warning unable to intercept anonymous operations ([#918](, [#904](
- Locks `inquirer` dependency version to 8.1.5 to propagate the fix for the `Unexpected token “?”` issue when using MSW CLI ([#917](
- Fixes an issue that resulted in the `TypeError: Failed to execute 'XXX' on 'Response': body stream already read` error when reading the original response body in the fallback mode ([](
##### Internal
- Lists `@mswjs/cookies` and `@mswjs/interceptors` as external packages so that their updates propagate to you automatically upon new installations of `msw`.
- Updates dependencies.
### [`v0.35.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.34.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.33.3`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.33.2`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.33.1`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.33.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.32.3`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.32.2`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.32.1`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.32.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.31.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.30.1`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.30.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.29.0`](
[Compare Source](
### [`v0.28.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### Bug fixes
- Fixes an issue when `req.params` was `undefined` in case when request path had no parameters present ([#682](, [#684]( The `req.params` value is always an object, regardless if you have path parameters defined.
### [`v0.28.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Bug fixes
- Fixes the issue that resulted in the "Cannot read property 'id' of undefined" in iframe scenarios ([#643](, [#645](
- Fixes the issue when making an explicit return in a handler considered the request unhandled in Node.js ([#655](, [#672](
- Fixes the issue that resulted in a multipart form data not being parsed correctly given extra spaces or the lack of such in the `Content-Type` header ([#671](
### [`v0.28.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Breaking changes
- The `response` instance in the life-cycle events now handles `response.headers` as the `Headers` instance ([#660](
server.on('response:bypass', (res) => {
- res.headers['content-type']
+ res.headers.get('content-type')
- Calling `setupServer` no longer applies request interception immediately. Instead, it's applied when called `server.listen()` ([#660](
##### Bug fixes
- Fixes the order of events in the intercepted `XMLHttpRequest` in Node.js ([](
- Fixes an issue that resulted in the "TypeError \[ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL]: Protocol "http:" not supported. Expected "https:"" exception when using MSW with `superagent` ([#632](
##### Internal
- Updates dependencies ([@mswjs/interceptors](, headers-utils).
### [`v0.27.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### Bug fixes
- Fixes a backward-compatibility issue of the `DropFirstInTuple` type used internally in `compose.ts` ([#658](
- Fixes an issue in IE11 when retrieving a stack trace of a handler would throw an exception ([#647](
- Fixes an issue when a stream in a response body would cause a response timeout ([#602](
- Fixes an issue when a cookie retrieval would cause a Fast Refresh to break in Next.js ([#649](
### [`v0.27.1`](
[Compare Source](
#### Changes
- Exports the `RestHandler` class publicly.
#### Bug fixes
- Fixes an issue that caused a `Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined` exception when calling `worker.start()` ([#609](, [#629](
- Fixes an issue that caused a TypeScript violation in the ` PickLastInTuple ` type ([#615](, [#627](
- Fixes an issue that caused an `TypeError: Object.fromEntries is not a function` error when running MSW in Node.js v10 ([#625](, [#633](
#### Internals
- **Updates to `typescript@4.2.2`**
### [`v0.27.0`](
[Compare Source](
#### Breaking changes
- The Promise returned by `worker.start()` will now reject in the case of any errors during the worker registration ([#607](
- The library no longer exports the following TypeScript declarations:
- `RestRequestType`, use `RestRequest` instead.
- `GraphQLMockedRequest`, use `GraphQLRequest` instead.
- `GraphQLMockedContext`, use `GraphQLContext` instead.
- `GraphQLRequestPayload`, use `GraphQLRequestBody` instead.
- `GraphQLRequestParsedResult`, use `ParsedGraphQLRequest` instead.
- `GraphQLResponseResolver`
- The values of the `MockedRequest` type no longer have the `params` key ([#561]( Please use the `RestRequest` type to annotate REST API requests instead.
#### Features
- **Supports automatic worker script updates** ([#606]( Respects the `msw.workerDirectory` property in your package.json:
"msw": {
"workerDirectory": "public"
Starting from this release, whenever you install `msw`, it will try to locate the `msw.workerDirectory` property in your package.json and copy the relevant worker script (`mockServiceWorker.js`) to that directory.
Whenever running `msw init` now, you will be prompted to save your public directory choice to package.json.
- When running `msw init` you can pass the ` —save `option to automatically save the public directory in your package.json for future worker updates ([#606]( You can alternatively use `--no-save` to bail out this step.
- **Intercepts requests originating from an iframe** ([#589](
- Adds virtual cookie store to ensure the persistency of cookies received from the same domains across multiple requests ([#435](, [#469](
#### Bug fixes
- Fixes an issue when a request body type generic had no effect on the response composition chain validation.
- Fixes an issue when a 204 response threw an exception when the library emitted its `response:*` life-cycle events ([#570](
#### Internal
- **Rebuilds the Request Handler API from ground-up** ([#561]( Does not introduce any breaking changes in how you use the handlers.
- Fixes the auto-imports of the library’s methods suggested by IDE ([#598](
- Updates the dependencies.
### [`v0.26.2`](
[Compare Source](
##### Bug fixes
- Fixes an issue that resulted in GraphQL request handlers not annotating the mocked response structure based on the given generic type ([#587](
- Fixes an issue when a one-time request handler (`res.once`) affected multiple matching requests made in parallel ([#583](
- Properly exports the renamed `OnUnhandledRequest` type as the new `UnhandledRequestStrategy` type ([#577](
### [`v0.26.1`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- `onUnhandledRequest` option will now suggest similar request handlers based on the URL/operation name similarity ([#560](
##### Bug fixes
- Fixes an issue that resulted in a 202 status response throwing an exception when the library attempted to re-create its `Response` instance for the `response:*` life-cycle event ([#570](
- Fixes an issue when a request handler stack trace wasn't handled properly on Windows machines ([#566](
- Fixes an issue when using the `onUnhandledRequest: "error"` option resulted in a thrown exception being gracefully handled by Axios ([#544]( The `"error"` value now prints to `stderr` directly instead of throwing an exception. An original request-related exception will become visible now as well.
### [`v0.26.0`](
[Compare Source](
> This release introduces changes to the `mockServiceWorker.js` file. **Please follow the instructions in the browser to update the worker file.** Thank you.
##### Features
- Adds support for GraphQL upload and multipart data operations ([#215](, [#543](
- Adds delay modes: “real” and “infinite” ([#538]( Supports infinite loading.
ctx.delay() // random realistic response time
ctx.delay('real') // the same as `ctx.delay()`
ctx.delay('infinite') // infinite response time
ctx.delay(50) // explicit response delay (50ms)
- Displays `[MSW] Mocking disabled` message when calling `worker.stop()`. ([#485](, [#493](
##### Bug fixes
- Fixes an issue that resulted in the`Failed to construct 'Response': The status provided (0) is outside the range [200, 599].` exception caused by an opaque response on the page ([#529](, [#564]( MSW will now skip opaque responses during the life-cycle events handling. **You will not get the `response:bypass` invoked upon an opaque response.**
- Fixes an issue that resulted in an exception being thrown when handling subsequent requests in Safari ([#558](, [#565](
- Fixes an issue when the `ExecutionResult` of `graphql` was not compatible with `` and `ctx.errors` utilities ([#522](, [#542](
- Fixes an issue that resulted in the MSW worker handling unrelated message event originating from other tools ([#551](
##### Internal
- Updates dependencies to their latest versions.
- Consistently uses `self` instead of `this` in the worker script ([#568](
- Ensures that MSW doesn’t handle events originating from unrelated workers ([#551](
### [`v0.25.0`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- Adds Life-cycle events API ([#482](, [docs](
### [`v0.24.4`](
[Compare Source](
#### Features
- Exports the `RestContext` type interface for public consumption ([#524](
### [`v0.24.3`](
[Compare Source](
##### Features
- Publishes the library in IIFE format, allowing to use it from a ` Githubissues.
Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.
This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
mswjs/msw (msw)
### [`v2.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v2.0.0 (2023-10-23) > \[!IMPORTANT] > **This release is a BREAKING CHANGE**. Please follow the [Migration guidelines]( to upgrade. This release took a lot of effort to make, and I expect a bit of that effort on your part while upgrading. Most of the changes are mechanical, and a simple Find/Replace All will get you a long way. For the rest of it, you will learn how to handle requests and responses using the standard JavaScript API. Thank you! #### Breaking changes - **Drops support for Node.js 16**. Please upgrade to Node.js 18 or later to use the global Fetch API. - **Drops support for TypeScript `< 4.7`.** - All browser-side exports, like `setupWorker`, `SetupWorkerApi`, etc., must be imported from `msw/browser` now. - Renames the `rest` object to `http` (`rest.get` -> `http.get`). - Response resolver call signature is no longer `(req, res, ctx) => res()` but instead `({ request }) => new Response()`. - The following exports are removed due to no longer being needed: - `response` - `context` and related exports (`defaultContext`, `restContext`, `graphqlContext`). - `compose` and `createResponseComposition` - `res.once()` is removed in favor of the `{ once: boolean }` option on the request handler. - Replaces the `.printHandlers()` method with `.listHandlers()`. - Removes the `NetworkError` class in favor of the standard `Response.error()`. - Moves request error handling from the worker thread to the client thread. - Changes the call signature of the Life-cycle Events API to accept a single object argument. - Uses `crypto.randomUUID()` instead of `Math.random()` in the worker. - **For the full list of changes and detailed instructions on how to upgrade please see the [Migration guidelines](docs/migrations/1.x-to-2.x).** #### Features - **Adopts Fetch API primitives**. Represent intercepted requests and mocked responses as `Request` and `Response` instances respectively. - **Supports Node.js v18**. - Supports `ReadableStream` as a mocked response body. - Supports reading the intercepted request body as `FormData`. - Supports `FormData` as a mocked response body. - Uses `File` polyfill in Node.js. - Supports XMLHttpRequest “upload” events when responding with a mocked stream response. - Allows mocking a network error once using the `{ once: true }` request handler option. - Makes the `RequestHandler` API public. #### Bug fixes - Fixes the issue where the request body couldn’t be properly read as `FormData`. - Fixes a set of issues related to response patching when using the `FormData` response body. - Fixes the issue where `URLSearchParams` as the request body couldn’t be read. - Fixes the issue where a bypassed request’s `referrerPolicy` was reset to a different value than the original. - Fixes the wrong order of `XMLHttpRequest` events and `readyState` changes. - Fixes the issue when reading an XMLHttpRequest body of `responseType` equal to `"arraybuffer"` as an incorrect buffer (previously, always assumed to be a string). - Fixes the order of `XMLHttpRequest` events when the request fails. - Keeps XMLHttpRequest `status` equal to 0 until the request actually resolves. - Fixes the issue when the `onload` event callback was called twice for `XMLHttpRequest`. - Various improvements in Node.js network behavior compliance. [@dbritto-dev]( [@ddolcimascolo]( [@markwhitfeld]( [@christoph-fricke]( [@thepassle]( [@piotr-cz]( [@mattcosta7]( [@koddsson]( [@dkobierski]( [@ricardocosta]( [@dxlbnl]( [@zkochan]( [@felipefreitag]( [@weyert]( [@95th]( [@committomaster]( [@Xayer]( [@Kosai106]( [@colinsullivan]( [@xmlking]( [@thw0rted]( [@lee-reinhardt]( [@wKovacs64]( [@TeChn4K]( [@cmolina]( [@nickrttn]( [@thomasbertet]( [@mscottnelson]( [@jonnedeprez]( [@negabaro]( [@the-ult]( [@WesleyYue]( [@cwagner22]( [@skvale]( [@alawiii521]( [@csantos1113]( [@elliotgonzalez123]( [@committomaster]( [@tsteckenborn]( [@xxleyi]( [@jonnedeprez]( [@danny-does-stuff]( [@lemcii]( [@mattrodak]( [@luisr-carrillo]( [@lee-reinhardt]( [@ealejandrootalvaro]( [@tomdglenn91]( ### [`v1.3.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### v1.3.2 (2023-10-01) ##### Bug Fixes - set minimal "graphql" version to 16.18.1 ([#1754]( ([`0a857f6`]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v1.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v1.3.1 (2023-09-13) ##### Bug Fixes - pin "headers-polyfill" to 3.2.5 ([#1736]( ([`2e53ae7`]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v1.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v1.3.0 (2023-09-03) ##### Features - support TypeScript 5.2 ([#1711]( ([`2ca791e`]( [@chentsulin]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v1.2.5`]( [Compare Source]( #### v1.2.5 (2023-08-28) ##### Bug Fixes - allow installs with any version of pnpm ([#1713]( ([`d35e851`]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v1.2.4`]( [Compare Source]( #### v1.2.4 (2023-08-25) ##### Bug Fixes - **dependency:** unpin the "chalk" dependency ([#1639]( ([`a93f63b`]( [@blowery]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v1.2.3`]( [Compare Source]( #### v1.2.3 (2023-07-20) ##### Bug Fixes - clone Response before logging ([#1662]( ([`daa04af`]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v1.2.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### v1.2.2 (2023-06-09) ##### Bug Fixes - log `ReadableStream` responses as text/json ([#1622]( ([`4c7e952`]( [@esquevin]( [@kettanaito]( - support typescript 5.1 as a peer dependency ([#1633]( ([`8e37d9c`]( [@gthb]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v1.2.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v1.2.1 (2023-03-24) ##### Bug Fixes - update dependencies to support ESM ([#1575]( ([`e7a6008`]( [@kettanaito]( - update "headers-polyfill" to 3.1.2 to fix the ESM issue ([#1571]( ([`4f44f11`]( [@cstenglein]( ### [`v1.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v1.2.0 (2023-03-22) ##### Features - add `operationName` to GraphQL request ([#1568]( ([`115b435`]( [@ligaz]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v1.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v1.1.1 (2023-03-20) ##### Bug Fixes - **typescript:** support typescript 5.0 ([#1566]( ([`c0616d1`]( [@mattcosta7]( ### [`v1.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### v1.1.0 (2023-02-24) ##### Features - support global fetch in Node.js ([#1543]( ([`049f21d`]( [@kettanaito]( ##### Bug Fixes - return types of "setupWorker" and "setupServer" API ([#1540]( ([`78d1834`]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v1.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v1.0.1 (2023-02-10) ##### Bug Fixes - add "package.json" subpath export ([#1530]( ([`12a581f`]( [@iceu-bb]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v1.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v1.0.0 (2023-01-25) ##### ⚠️ BREAKING CHANGES - rename "SetupWorkerApi"/"SetupServerApi" types to "SetupWorker"/"SetupServer" ([#1478]( ([`4fde47e`]( [@gduliscouet-ubitransport]( [@kettanaito]( ##### Features - throw and suggest a URL polyfill for React Native ([#1520]( ([`b4ac829`]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v0.49.3`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.49.3 (2023-01-19) ##### Bug Fixes - use EventTarget-based event emitter ([#1522]( ([`6a94b8c`]( [@chrisguttandin]( ### [`v0.49.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### v0.49.2 (2022-12-13) ##### Bug Fixes - use `globalThis.fetch` in `ctx.fetch` utility ([#1490]( ([`42cdbc7`]( [@Toxiapo]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v0.49.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.49.1 (2022-11-28) ##### Bug Fixes - **setupWorker:** resolve the TS4094 error ([#1477]( ([`c268796`]( [@gduliscouet-ubitransport]( ### [`v0.49.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.49.0 (2022-11-19) ##### Features - support TypeScript 4.9, drop support for TypeScript 4.2, 4.3 ([#1467]( ([`af0277d`]( [@wtchnm]( ### [`v0.48.3`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.48.3 (2022-11-15) ##### Bug Fixes - **SetupApi:** validate given request handlers ([#1460]( ([`a06a944`]( [@kettanaito]( - inline `statuses` dependency during the build ([#1458]( ([`99d49f9`]( [@mattcosta7]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v0.48.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.48.2 (2022-11-13) ##### Bug Fixes - resolve absolute worker url against the current path ([#1456]( ([`f8d15b4`]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v0.48.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.48.1 (2022-11-10) ##### Bug Fixes - bufferUtils import path ([#1453]( ([`91b2902`]( [@cksal0805]( ### [`v0.48.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.48.0 (2022-11-08) ##### Features - add "SetupApi" base class ([#1445]( ([`85ba844`]( [@Toxiapo]( [@kettanaito]( - do not interfere with shared workers ([#1448]( ([`670dda7`]( [@mucsi96]( [@kettanaito]( - makes the library esm-compatible ([#1399]( ([`41798eb`]( [@ivanhofer]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v0.47.4`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.47.4 (2022-10-04) ##### Bug Fixes - correctly link types in `package.json` `exports` field ([#1395]( ([`3902b8c`]( [@ivanhofer]( [@kettanaito]( - include error stack in log when handling uncaught exceptions ([#1417]( ([`933a9d6`]( [@jkieboom]( [@kettanaito]( - remove duplicate response logging in the browser console ([#1418]( ([`78d155f`]( [@snaka]( [@kettanaito]( ### [`v0.47.3`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.47.3 (2022-09-15) ##### Bug Fixes - update "headers-polyfill" and "[@mswjs/interceptors](" to fix "/lib" issue ([#1407]( ([`41d8c08`]( ### [`v0.47.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.47.2 (2022-09-13) ##### Bug Fixes - fix a typo in the "listHandlers" method jsdoc ([#1403]( ([`c90eafb`]( ### [`v0.47.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.47.1 (2022-09-10) ##### Bug Fixes - print response log only when response arrives ([#1392]( ([`638fad9`]( ### [`v0.47.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.47.0 (2022-09-04) ##### Features - add explicit `exports` map in package.json ([#1383]( ([`5e1c1a6`]( ### [`v0.46.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.46.1 (2022-09-01) ##### Bug Fixes - **deps:** include "graphql" as a dependency ([#1381]( ([`8436515`]( ### [`v0.46.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.46.0 (2022-08-31) ##### Features - fix a typo in the worker script ([`62f7c4d`]( - support typescript v4.8 ([#1375]( ([`631f629`]( - add "listHandlers" method to server and worker ([#1369]( ([`18f5778`]( ```js server.listHandlers() worker.listHandlers() ``` ### [`v0.45.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.45.0 (2022-08-22) ##### Features - make GraphQL a peer dependency, support GraphQL v15.0 ([#1356]( ([`ca0e2e0`]( ### [`v0.44.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.44.2 (2022-07-19) ##### Bug Fixes - transfer mocked response as ArrayBuffer to the worker ([#1337]( ([`95be5f8`]( ### [`v0.44.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.44.1 (2022-07-14) ##### Bug Fixes - super call stack overflow ([#1328]( ([`6a3f442`]( ### [`v0.44.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.44.0 (2022-07-13) ##### Breaking changes - `req.destination` default value is now `""` (empty string), previously `"document"`. - `req.redirect` default value is now `""follow"`, previously `"manual"`. - The library no longer exports the `parseIsomorphicRequest()` function ([#1316]( Please use `MockedRequest` class instead. ##### Features - adhere to [Fetch API "Request"]( in response resolver ([#1316](, [@95th]( ([`fc7f00c`]( This means the addition of a few properties on the `req` instance: - [`req.priority`](, indicates a priority of request relatively to other requests (default `"auto"`); - [`req.text()`](, reads the request body as plain text; - [`req.json()`](, reads the request body as JSON; - [`req.arrayBuffer()`](, reads the request body as `ArrayBuffer`; - [`req.clone()`](, clones a request instance (i.e. so its body could be read multiple times). - remove unnecessary stringification of worker-client messages ([#1320]( ([`6990c3a`]( ##### Deprecations - **`req.body` is deprecated**. Please use explicit request body reading methods: `req.text()`, `req.json()`, `req.arrayBuffer()` (other methods, like `req.formData()` are currently not supported). ```js'/user', async (req, res, ctx) => { const newUser = await req.json() }) ``` > `req.body` is still present for compatibility reasons but will be removed in the next releases. ### [`v0.43.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.43.1 (2022-07-07) ##### Bug Fixes - support multiple response cookies using "ctx.cookie()" ([#1311]( ([`66c3ad8`]( ### [`v0.43.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.43.0 (2022-07-04) ##### Features - send mocked response body as ReadableStream to the worker ([#1288]( ([`78c7d7e`]( ### [`v0.42.3`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.42.3 (2022-06-22) ##### Bug Fixes - apply response delay conditionally ([#1300]( ([`496154d`]( ### [`v0.42.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.42.2 (2022-06-22) ##### Bug Fixes - **setupServer:** reference interceptors to support fast refresh ([#1299]( ([`72f0b25`]( ### [`v0.42.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.42.1 (2022-06-07) ##### Bug Fixes - add "ctx.field()" for GraphQL responses ([#1257]( ([`442f48d`]( ### [`v0.42.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.42.0 (2022-05-30) ##### Features - upgrade to [@mswjs/interceptors]( 0.16 ([#1262]( ([`2176577`]( ##### Bug Fixes - remove "esm" build target ([#1263]( ([`61a755a`]( ### [`v0.41.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.41.1 (2022-05-27) ##### Bug Fixes - support typescript 4.7 ([#1256]( ([`b020270`]( ### [`v0.41.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.41.0 (2022-05-22) ##### Features - improve module formats (cjs, esm, iife) ([#1247]( ([`00e9c58`]( ### [`v0.40.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.40.2 (2022-05-20) ##### Bug Fixes - support typescript 4.4.x, 4.5.x, 4.6.x ([#1245]( ([`5378416`]( ### [`v0.40.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.40.1 (2022-05-19) ##### Bug Fixes - support typescript 4.3.x ([#1244]( ([`3bca5be`]( ### [`v0.40.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### v0.40.0 (2022-05-17) ##### Breaking changes - Returning `undefined`, or early returns, from response resolvers, now does not perform request as-is, and is instead treated as a handler that didn't do anything. Please return [`req.passthrough()`]( if you wish to bypass a request. ```diff rest.get('/resource', (req, res, ctx) => { // I want to perform this intercepted request as-is. - return + return req.passthrough() }) ``` ##### Features - add "unhandledException" life-cycle event ([#1199]( ([`5c90799`]( - improve PathParams type to support interface ([#1219]( ([`b70266f`]( - rename "DefaultRequestBody" to "DefaultBodyType" ([`53aa3a1`]( - add "req.passthrough" ([#1204]( ([`4e1b1ad`]( - add service worker scope and worker script URL to "Mocking enabled" message ([#1172]( ([`ab3d399`]( - set "typescript" optional peer dependency to 4.2.x ([#985]( ([`b1004a6`]( ##### Bug Fixes - **setupWorker:** warn on multiple "worker.start" and "worker.stop" calls ([#1238]( ([`cfe0709`]( - remove console.log from "setRequestCookies" ([`6f7ed98`]( - set "credentials" to "same-origin" for "ClientRequest" ([#1159]( ([`c3cd80a`]( ### [`v0.39.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **parseIsomorphicRequest:** bypassing cookies properly ([#1155]( ([755bc9d]( - set "credentials" to "same-origin" for "ClientRequest" ([#1159]( ([c3cd80a]( - set minimal supported Node.js version to 14 ([#1160]( ([d7ab139]( ### [`v0.39.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - add fallback for "\_defaultAgent" in ClientRequest ([#1152]( ([21fcbc5]( ### [`v0.39.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Breaking changes - require node 16 and higher ([#1136]( ([6f4895e]( ##### Bug Fixes - **setupWorker:** resolve the "start" promise after the worker has activated ([#1146]( ([f6e709c]( ### [`v0.38.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - update [@mswjs/interceptors]( to 0.13.5 ([#1127]( ([1b59ab7]( ### [`v0.38.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **handleRequest:** bypass request only if "x-msw-bypass" header equals "true" ([#1110]( ([1a7bc36]( ### [`v0.38.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - update to [@mswjs/interceptors]( 0.13.3 ([#1095]( ([e288d18](, closes [#1102]( - allow default behavior of `onUnhandledRequest` in a custom callback ([]( ```js worker.start({ onUnhandledRequest(request, print) { // Ignore unhandled warnings/errors from asset requests. if (request.url.href.includes('/assets/') { return } // Otherwise, execute the default warning/error/ strategy. print.warning() // or "print.error()" } }) ``` ### [`v0.36.8`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - allow variables inference in GraphQLRequest ([#1081]( ([6e7ec28]( ### [`v0.36.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - update "[@mswjs/cookies](" for safe `localStorage` access ([#1071]( ([99ae530]( - update `node-fetch` to 2.6.7 to fix a security vulnerability ([#1072]( ([72a34f6]( ### [`v0.36.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - parse request body with letter case `Content-Type` header value ([#1064]( ([7796418]( ### [`v0.36.4`]( [Compare Source]( #### Bug fixes - Fixes an issue that resulted in port numbers being treated as path parameters ([#1036](, [#1028]( ### [`v0.36.3`]( [Compare Source]( ### Bug fixes - Fixes an issue that resulted in the CORS policy violation due to the library appending the `x-msw-request-id` request header ([#713](, [#1022](, [#1024]( #### Internal - No longer sets the `x-msw-request-id` header on the request ([#1024]( Relies on the `` set by the interceptors (Node.js) or the `requestId` generated by the worker (browser). ### [`v0.36.2`]( [Compare Source]( #### Bug fixes - Fixes an issue that resulted in the "TypeError: expected.toLowerCase() is not a function" exception when using the `rest.all()` request handler ([#1020](, [#1021]( ### [`v0.36.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Bug fixes - Fixes an issue that resulted in the "SyntaxError: Invalid group specified name" exception in Safari ([#1018](, [#1019]( ). ### [`v0.36.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Breaking changes - Uses [path-to-regexp]( for URL matching ([#691](, [#888]( This makes the path matching experience identical to such in ExpressJS, and enabled various new features: - Optional path segments (`/foo/bar?`); - Repeating groups (`/foo/bar+`). - Request path parameters are now annotated as ambiguous `string | string[]` ([#999]( - The `RequestParams` generic now follows the `RequestBodyType` generic, changing its order ([#999]( ```ts