wKoza / ngx-upload

Ngx-upload is an upload module for Angular Ivy ready
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Send the files outside form #70

Closed ghten closed 4 years ago

ghten commented 4 years ago

Hi @wKoza,

I cannot use uploadAll. I don’t send a form but a class and I have to put the files in that class. I have seen the .file but I don’t have the image. I need an array equivalent to file but with the image. There is a way to do it from ngx-upload?


wKoza commented 4 years ago

Currently, ngx-upload can upload a file without form when you put disableMultipart: true. uploadAll will upload the files one by one. If you want to upload many files at the same time, I mean that we have to use multipart/form-data. Ngx-upload doesn't support this type of upload. Is that in fact your need ?

ghten commented 4 years ago

What I want to do is this Class xxxxx String Array Etc.. Files = uploader.queue but with the files

And I post this class, now I put this class but without files and I send the files after, but I need an id for saving the files. The best way is to put the files in the class and if it’s not possible, to put the id in uploadAll

wKoza commented 4 years ago

So , you want a form (with string, number, array) + a Array of File[] ? It's a multipart/form-data. I can add this feature maybe this weekend but, currently, you can't do that.

Can you send me a piece of your code with the upload ?

ghten commented 4 years ago

It's not a form, it's a class. My code in component this.rfqservice.save(rfq).subscribe(data => { console.log(data.id); if (this.uploader.queue.length > 0) { this.rfqservice.upload(this.uploader,data.id); } }); rfq is the class not a form because in this screen I have data that cannot be in a form. In service upload(uploader: HttpClientUploadService, id) { uploader.uploadAll({ method: 'POST', url: this.cfg.url_backend + this.cfg.panelUrl + this.cfg.uploadrfq, }); } I need the ID but I cannot send it.

wKoza commented 4 years ago

If you want to send your datas (your class) WITH a bunch of files, the only way to do that is the form multipart.

Currently , you can:

ghten commented 4 years ago

Thank you, it's work.