wa0x6e / Cake-Resque

Resque plugin for CakePHP : for creating background jobs that can be processed offline later
MIT License
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About path of Shell #41

Open doremon opened 10 years ago

doremon commented 10 years ago

Hi kamisama, I have problem when i created jobs. When i create jobs and run shell, it cannot get correct path of shell. I checked code and i saw this row if (self::$rootFolder === null) { self::$rootFolder = dirname(dirname(dirname(DIR))) . DS; } $classpath = self::$rootFolder . (empty($plugin) ? '' : 'Plugin' . DS . $plugin . DS) . 'Console' . DS . 'Command' . DS . $model . '.php';

-it means , if we don't set rootFolder , the path always set is command shell in plugin. So if we have many applications on one domain Ex structure: app, app_1, app_2 plugins/CakeResques

Could you tell me how can i set rootFolder or solution set correct path. Thanks you.

wa0x6e commented 10 years ago

I didn't take into account the case where the Plugin is installed in the plugins folder outside of your app folder.

I'm working on it

wa0x6e commented 10 years ago

A dirty hack until a fix would be to manually set self::$rootFolder to APP. That should works as long as all your regular jobs, as well as your plugin jobs are inside the APP folder.

Or are you using jobs in Plugin installed outside the app folder too ?

doremon commented 10 years ago

Thank for your reply. Because i'll use your plugin for all applications. So that i push the CakeResque to plugin folder out site application folders . I tried to hackcode like your idear, but I can not.