wa0x6e / Cake-Resque

Resque plugin for CakePHP : for creating background jobs that can be processed offline later
MIT License
159 stars 56 forks source link

All my queued jobs fail #54

Closed DdCooper closed 10 years ago

DdCooper commented 10 years ago

Hello, I would like to ask for something related to your CakeResque plugin.

Problem Summary: All my queued jobs fail.

Problem Description: I've downloaded the plugin and got it installed in my Cake project.

I was able to initialize it through the console with:

sudo Console/cake CakeResque.CakeResque start

I've ran some functions from the console, such as:

sudo Console/cake EmailSender testShell

The code for that would be:

class EmailSenderShell extends AppShell
    public function testShell() {

        $name = 'test_shell.txt' ;
        $file = fopen( $name, "w+" ) ;
        fwrite( $file, 'test' ) ;
        fclose( $file ) ;


And that also works. The problem is when I add a job to the queue for the worker to run them.


It returns the following:

Resque Statistics

Jobs Stats
   Processed Jobs :           53
   Failed Jobs    :           53

Queues Stats
   Queues count : 3
  - default         :            0 pending jobs
  - Email           :            0 pending jobs
  - test            :            0 pending jobs

Workers Stats
   Workers count : 3
  * david-netbook:8772:Email
     - Started on     : mié ene 08 17:23:14 ART 2014
     - Processed Jobs : 1
     - Failed Jobs    : 1
  * david-netbook:8677:default
     - Started on     : mié ene 08 17:06:58 ART 2014
     - Processed Jobs : 0
     - Failed Jobs    : 0
  * david-netbook:8846:test
     - Started on     : mié ene 08 17:25:10 ART 2014
     - Processed Jobs : 9
     - Failed Jobs    : 9
wa0x6e commented 10 years ago

You seem to be manipulating a file. Are you running the worker under the right user, to avoid permission issues ?

What does the log saying ?

DdCooper commented 10 years ago

This is my log and I'm running the command like super user

Tailing /home/david/izus/dev/apps/gama-app/tmp/logs/resque-2014-01-08.log [2014-01-08 17:25:11] main.INFO: got {"queue":"test","id":"8f1b7ae5d17f82857eba08de2b8ebc5f","class":"EmailSenderShell","args":[["testShell"]]} {"type":"got","args":"[object](Resque_Job: {"queue":"test","worker":null,"payload":{"class":"EmailSenderShell","args":[["testShell"]],"id":"8f1b7ae5d17f82857eba08de2b8ebc5f"}})","worker":"david-netbook:8846"} [] [2014-01-08 17:25:11] main.INFO: Processing ID:8f1b7ae5d17f82857eba08de2b8ebc5f in test {"type":"process","worker":"david-netbook:8846","job_id":"8f1b7ae5d17f82857eba08de2b8ebc5f"} [] [2014-01-08 17:25:11] main.INFO: got {"queue":"test","id":"4dbbd04b805be7725958512f374e4d3a","class":"EmailSenderShell","args":[["testShell"]]} {"type":"got","args":"[object](Resque_Job: {"queue":"test","worker":null,"payload":{"class":"EmailSenderShell","args":[["testShell"]],"id":"4dbbd04b805be7725958512f374e4d3a"}})","worker":"david-netbook:8846"} [] [2014-01-08 17:25:11] main.INFO: Processing ID:4dbbd04b805be7725958512f374e4d3a in test {"type":"process","worker":"david-netbook:8846","job_id":"4dbbd04b805be7725958512f374e4d3a"} [] [2014-01-08 17:25:11] main.INFO: got {"queue":"test","id":"699c5a17e766fffc58c56b4ca9f77826","class":"EmailSenderShell","args":[["testShell"]]} {"type":"got","args":"[object](Resque_Job: {"queue":"test","worker":null,"payload":{"class":"EmailSenderShell","args":[["testShell"]],"id":"699c5a17e766fffc58c56b4ca9f77826"}})","worker":"david-netbook:8846"} [] [2014-01-08 17:25:11] main.INFO: Processing ID:699c5a17e766fffc58c56b4ca9f77826 in test {"type":"process","worker":"david-netbook:8846","job_id":"699c5a17e766fffc58c56b4ca9f77826"} [] [2014-01-08 17:25:11] main.INFO: got {"queue":"test","id":"9be6c8e7a52b0c2adc183ddb2a73065a","class":"EmailSenderShell","args":[["testShell"]]} {"type":"got","args":"[object](Resque_Job: {"queue":"test","worker":null,"payload":{"class":"EmailSenderShell","args":[["testShell"]],"id":"9be6c8e7a52b0c2adc183ddb2a73065a"}})","worker":"david-netbook:8846"} [] [2014-01-08 17:25:11] main.INFO: Processing ID:9be6c8e7a52b0c2adc183ddb2a73065a in test {"type":"process","worker":"david-netbook:8846","job_id":"9be6c8e7a52b0c2adc183ddb2a73065a"} [] [2014-01-08 17:26:11] main.INFO: got {"queue":"test","id":"8a99e7bd37ffdf573a9e514dfe719571","class":"EmailSenderShell","args":[["testShell"]]} {"type":"got","args":"[object](Resque_Job: {"queue":"test","worker":null,"payload":{"class":"EmailSenderShell","args":[["testShell"]],"id":"8a99e7bd37ffdf573a9e514dfe719571"}})","worker":"david-netbook:8846"} [] [2014-01-08 17:26:11] main.INFO: Processing ID:8a99e7bd37ffdf573a9e514dfe719571 in test {"type":"process","worker":"david-netbook:8846","job_id":"8a99e7bd37ffdf573a9e514dfe719571"} []

wa0x6e commented 10 years ago

Can you try with CakeResque enqueue command ?

cake CakeResque.CakeResque enqueue EmailSenderShell testShell

If it works correctly, try again with the --user flag, and specify the user you php us running under.

DdCooper commented 10 years ago

this is the result:

sudo Console/cake CakeResque.CakeResque enqueue default 
mailSenderShell "testShell"
Adding a job to worker
Succesfully enqueued Job #d8d678e48e7ac52481b4f415fb918ae3

Resque Statistics

Jobs Stats
   Processed Jobs :          189
   Failed Jobs    :          189

Queues Stats
   Queues count : 1
    - default         :            0 pending jobs

Workers Stats
   Workers count : 2
    * david-netbook:2957:default
       - Started on     : jue ene 09 12:07:58 ART 2014
       - Processed Jobs : 0
       - Failed Jobs    : 0
    * david-netbook:2716:default
       - Started on     : Thu Jan 09 12:02:30 ART 2014
       - Processed Jobs : 33
       - Failed Jobs    : 33

and I also tried with other functions to do simple things like:

$ this-> out ('Hello World');

And the resuls are the same

where goes the flag --user?

wa0x6e commented 10 years ago

There should be 2 log files for resque, located in the tmp/logs directory. The other log file should contains all php errors

DdCooper commented 10 years ago

in the log file I see this:

PHP Fatal error: Class 'AppShell' not found in /home/david/izus/dev/apps/gama-app/Console/Command/EmailSenderShell.php on line 6

Fatal error: Class 'AppShell' not found in /home/david/izus/dev/apps/gama-app/Console/Command/EmailSenderShell.php on line 6 Fatal Error Error: Class 'AppShell' not found in [/home/david/izus/dev/apps/gama-app/Console/Command/EmailSenderShell.php, line 6]

this is a cap of my working tree

captura de pantalla de 2014-01-09 15 11 54

wa0x6e commented 10 years ago

Add App::uses('AppShell', 'Console/Command'); to the start of your job classes

DdCooper commented 10 years ago

My job class:

# app/Console/Command/EmailSenderShell.php
App::uses('AppShell', 'Console/Command');

class EmailSenderShell extends AppShell
  public function testShell() {
  $this->out('Hello world.');

in the sell I run sudo Console/cake CakeResque.CakeResque clear all

and stop all queues, then I start a new queue and add a job

sudo Console/cake CakeResque.CakeResque enqueue default mailSenderShell "testShell"

Resque Statistics

Jobs Stats
   Processed Jobs :          200
   Failed Jobs    :          200

Queues Stats
   Queues count : 1
    - default         :            0 pending jobs

Workers Stats
   Workers count : 1
    * david-netbook:5691:default
       - Started on     : jue ene 09 15:34:54 ART 2014
       - Processed Jobs : 3
       - Failed Jobs    : 3
wa0x6e commented 10 years ago

And what's the error log saying ?

DdCooper commented 10 years ago

Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to localhost:6379 (Conexión rehusada) in /home/david/izus/dev/apps/gama-app/Plugin/CakeResque/vendor/kamisama/php-resque-ex/lib/Redisent/Redisent.php on line 59 PHP Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to localhost:6379 (Conexión rehusada) in /home/david/izus/dev/apps/gama-app/Plugin/CakeResque/vendor/kamisama/php-resque-ex/lib/Redisent/Redisent.php on line 59

wa0x6e commented 10 years ago

So there you have your error ... Redis server unavailable

DdCooper commented 10 years ago

this error happened accidentally, but I have redis up and running. went back to repeat the process and I obtain this to the redis database:

"resque:job:b83153de7d7a58ec03aea566f0a17e4a:status" 1389296374.191923 "SETEX" "failed:b83153de7d7a58ec03aea566f0a17e4a" "Resque_Exception\"error\"Could not find job class mailSenderShell.backtrace\"/home/david/izus/dev/apps/gama-app/Plugin/CakeResque/vendor/kamisama/php-resque-ex/lib/Resque/Job.php(160): Resque_Job_Creator::createJob('mailSenderShell', Array)\ /home/david/izus/dev/apps/gama-app/Plugin/CakeResque/vendor/kamisama/php-resque-ex/lib/Resque/Job.php(191): Resque_Job->getInstance()\";i:2;s:135:\"#2 /home/david/izus/dev/apps/gama-app/Plugin/CakeResque/vendor/kamisama/php-resque-ex/lib/Resque/Worker.php(273): Resque_Job->perform()\";i:3;s:156:\"#3 /home/david/izus/dev/apps/gama-app/Plugin/CakeResque/vendor/kamisama/php-resque-ex/lib/Resque/Worker.php(236): Resque_Worker->perform(Object(Resque_Job))\";i:4;s:128:\"#4 /home/david/izus/dev/apps/gama-app/Plugin/CakeResque/vendor/kamisama/php-resque-ex/bin/resque(101): Resque_Worker->work('15')\";i:5;s:163:\"#5 /home/david/izus/dev/apps/gama-app/Plugin/CakeResque/vendor/kamisama/php-resque-ex/bin/resque(92): startWorker('test', 1, Object(MonologInit\MonologInit), '15') {main}

wa0x6e commented 10 years ago

In your log:

Resque_Job_Creator::createJob('mailSenderShell', Array)

The job classname is mailSenderShell instead of EmailSenderShell

DdCooper commented 10 years ago

Well, it worked. the problem seems to be redis settings. Now when I run TestShell above shows me no more error, but still does not create the text file, or if putting $ this-> out ('Hello World'), nor displays the message

wa0x6e commented 10 years ago

And nothing in the log ?

DdCooper commented 10 years ago

no, the las error I got is Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to localhost:6379 (Conexión rehusada)

and the resque statics shows

* david-netbook:2548:test
   - Started on     : jue ene 09 16:34:03 ART 2014
   - Processed Jobs : 21
   - Failed Jobs    : 6
wa0x6e commented 10 years ago

So I assume it's working.

Reason why you don't see any message with $this->out() is because all output is discarded, and not logged. Only errors are logged. Using text file creation for test is not a good idea, as it's prone to permission issue. Are you sure the workers have the permission to create and write to the file ?

DdCooper commented 10 years ago

Thanks you, is working. The line $ this-> out ('Hello World'), write in the log file 'Hello world'. The problem was redis, do not implement the most appropriate solution, but it worked. what I did was reinstall redis as it was functioning bad