wader / gtktetris

Simple GTK tetris game
MIT License
5 stars 6 forks source link

gtktetris-0.6.2b #3

Closed wdlkmpx closed 3 years ago

wdlkmpx commented 3 years ago

changes from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/gtktetris/files/gtktetris/gtktetris-0.6.2b/

wader commented 3 years ago

Thanks! i haven't tested but looks good

I can add you as a collaborator if you want to maintain it?

wdlkmpx commented 3 years ago

The changes do work, I don't see any breakage, so this is safe to merge.

Yeah I can be a collaborator and add some changes and update a few parts.

wader commented 3 years ago

Sent a collaboration invite

Feel free to update the README (time for markdown?) and remove the inactive marking etc

wdlkmpx commented 3 years ago

Ok thanks, I'll perform some updates, currently there's a bug where the next tetromino is not shown in the small box, don't know if I can fix it, but I'm playing the game.

Collaborators cannot change project description (the inactive text) or the project topics (I suggest gtk, gtk2, tetris). It's something that you must do.

wdlkmpx commented 3 years ago

Nevermind, I forgot to tick the "Show next block" check, the app is stable enough, it works, it just needs some polishing and gtk3 support, and a build system perhaps

wader commented 3 years ago

Ok thanks, I'll perform some updates, currently there's a bug where the next tetromino is not shown in the small box, don't know if I can fix it, but I'm playing the game.

Looked thru the commits, nice work

Collaborators cannot change project description (the inactive text) or the project topics (I suggest gtk, gtk2, tetris). It's something that you must do.

Aha, fixed now. Let me know if you want something else changed