wader / static-ffmpeg

Multi-arch docker image with ffmpeg/ffprobe binaries built as hardened static PIE binaries with no external dependencies
MIT License
233 stars 56 forks source link

More architectures like arm32, riscv etc #217

Open wader opened 2 years ago

wader commented 2 years ago

Current issues are:

Some details and attempts here https://github.com/wader/static-ffmpeg/pull/204

wader commented 2 years ago

@mathieu-aubin let's move arch discussion here

did you read this -> https://www.docker.com/blog/faster-multi-platform-builds-dockerfile-cross-compilation-guide/

and of so, is it relevant? not much time npw but i figured id input

Yeap docker buildx is one thing i'vet tried and it works similar to how the multi-arch images work, does emulation in user-land. It has the issues i described in above.

this one too -> https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/ffmpeg

Had a quick look, would guess they build on native hosts or on fully emulated hosts for each arch https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-ffmpeg/blob/226ddf020af76b99b71dbe3804cfca1919f83c11/Jenkinsfile#L466

It would be interesting to do a github action that boots up a full emulated host per arch. I did some experiments with this once and building worked fine for arm32 etc. The messy part is probably to make it nice to work from a workflow, maybe ideally it could be an action that kind of is a docker action that transfers the job env and runs docker inside the guest.

But sadly if run on a github action host it will still run into the same resources limits that i mentioned above.