Open wadia82 opened 1 year ago
Given that a warning note is shown in other cases where a teammate is unassigned without being assigned previously, we agree that missing this case out is something we overlooked and is a bug.
However, in all cases where a teammate is unassigned without being previously assigned, the message shown is simply a note to the users to inform them, not an error. For example if the user enters task assign 1 -@Alex -@John, where John has previously been assigned and Alex has not, the command will still successfully unassign John from task 1 despite showing a note that Alex has not been assigned previously. Our team made this decision as we felt that unassigning a teammate not previously assigned does no harm and should not block the execution of the command.
Hence, we feel that the severity should be Low. Even though we did not show a warning message that teammate 2 here has not been assigned previously, it does not make a difference to the execution of the command, as explained in the previous paragraph. Furthermore, it does not make sense for a user to unassign then assign the same teammate in a single command, hence we consider this an extreme user behavior.
Team chose [severity.Low
Originally [severity.Medium
Reason for disagreement: [replace this with your explanation]
Expected : Should display message saying I'm trying to un-assign a teammate that's not been assigned the task
Actual : Allows unassignment