wadpac / GGIR

Code corresponding to R package GGIR
Apache License 2.0
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Enhance pull request template to guide contributions and to ease PR reviews #1055

Closed vincentvanhees closed 6 months ago

vincentvanhees commented 7 months ago

Our pull request template is useful as a check list for the most important requirements on a PR. However, to ease the reviewing process and as a reminder to those who create PR (incl. myself) it would be good to expand the template a bit. Here, is a first draft:

Checklist before merging:

- [ ] Existing tests still work (check by running the test suite, e.g. from RStudio).
- [ ] Added tests (if you added functionality) or fixed existing test (if you fixed a bug).
- [ ] Clean code has been attempted: Interpretable object names, no redundancy, and where possible computational efficient.
- [ ] Documentation updated:
  - [ ] Function documentation
  - [ ] Chapter vignettes for GitHub IO
  - [ ] Vignettes for CRAN
- [ ] Corresponding issue tagged in PR message. If no issue exist, please create an issue and tag it.
- [ ] Updated release notes in `inst/NEWS.Rd` with a user-readable summary. Please, include references to relevant issues or PR discussions.
- [ ] Added your name to the contributors lists in the `DESCRIPTION` file, if you think you made a significant contribution.
- [ ] GGIR parameters were added/removed. If yes, please also complete checklist below.

If NEW GGIR parameter(s) were added then these NEW parameter(s) are :
- [ ] documented in `man/GGIR.Rd`
- [ ] included with a default in `R/load_params.R`
- [ ] included with value class check in `R/check_params.R`
- [ ] included in table of `vignettes/GGIRParameters.Rmd` with references to the GGIR parts the parameter is used in.
- [ ] mentioned in NEWS.Rd as NEW parameter

If GGIR parameter(s) were deprecated these parameter(s) are:
- [ ] documented as deprecated in `man/GGIR.Rd`
- [ ] removed from `R/load_params.R`
- [ ] removed from `R/check_params.R`
- [ ] removed from table in `vignettes/GGIRParameters.Rmd`
- [ ] mentioned as deprecated parameter in NEWS.Rd
- [ ] added to the list in `R/extract_params.R` with deprecated parameters such that these do not produce warnings when found in old config.csv files.