… machine on the player where Button A does various different things depending on whether we're running, swimming, or jumping, and we can move between our three states. Horizontal axis of input affects our acceleration. We have parallax speed up / slow down as well as a move to the right as we get faster to assist in the impression of speeding up, along with an equilibrium function that pulls us back to the home x of -4. Lots of value tweaking to be done to get something that plays well, but I think it all works!
… machine on the player where Button A does various different things depending on whether we're running, swimming, or jumping, and we can move between our three states. Horizontal axis of input affects our acceleration. We have parallax speed up / slow down as well as a move to the right as we get faster to assist in the impression of speeding up, along with an equilibrium function that pulls us back to the home x of -4. Lots of value tweaking to be done to get something that plays well, but I think it all works!