waffle-stomper / Ghostwriter

Ghostwriter - A Book Work Mod for Minecraft
GNU General Public License v3.0
34 stars 6 forks source link

More erroneous formatting is being added. #14

Closed waffle-stomper closed 4 years ago

waffle-stomper commented 5 years ago

Similar to #13

From MF:

If you take a newly saved GHB file, such as this:


//Book saved in GHB format at 2018-07-12T2334.630Z
title:Augustan History
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§r##
§l      Augustan§r##
§l       History§r##
§l         -=-§r##
§l  Erich_Honecker_##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§r##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§r##
       A book from##
§l       Civcraft§r##
§l         -=-§r##
§l      First Age§r##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§r##
To be ignorant of the##
past is to remain a##
The following is the##
history of Mt Augusta##
as told by the##
Diplomat and ex-Mayor##
"I think Augusta has##
some of the most##
interesting history on##
the server. If you##
look to the right of##
the portal when##
exiting, you'll see a##
Memorial to N5K2. N5K2##
was the first city built##
on the land that is now##
It was built the very##
first day the server##
was launched by##
lightninglc. He lived##
there for a while, but##
eventually moved on to##
the city of##
(read the book##
The Early Days for an##
account of##
That fountain, which is##
now the memorial, is all##
that remains. Shortly##
after it was##
abandoned, a man##
named Vidorac moved##
in to the area, put##
down hundreds of##
torches, and built a##
city he named##
Vidorac lived here for##
a while, but after##
numerous intense##
griefing episodes, he##
and his friends fled##
the city.##
At this point,##
awesomesauce17, and##
established the large##
cobble structure on##
the hill, which is now##
known as Government##
They initially intended##
this to serve as Mount##
Augusta, a fort city,##
but others quickly##
joined them and built##
and the base of the##
mountain and beyond.##
The city grew and##
grew into the walls the##
founding fathers had##
However, Augusta soon##
fell into a very dark##
time. We got into a war##
of sorts with some##
griefers, one of which##
stayed on us for a##
long time. (The griefer##
mentioned here is##
FoxMcleod, now##
reformed and a citizen##
of Gerald. [cont]##
The spawn trap built##
for him is now a##
historical monument in##
Augusta.) In the end,##
though he was##
captured, our city was##
in ruins. Nearly every##
building was##
demolished, on fire, or##
covered in lava and##
cobble spikes. (this##
theme of lava and##
cobble [cont]##
would later be##
repeated by many##
griefers. At the time of##
writing, Ataraxia is still##
under cobble.)##
Everyone but myself##
and three others fled##
the city.##
Most cities on this##
server that have##
faced this level of##
griefing have been##
snuffed out. But we##
refused to die. We##
stayed and rebuilt,##
making Augusta so##
large and##
prosperous that we##
had to expand to the##
east and north##
beyond the portal!##
Now Augusta serves##
as one of the oldest##
cities on the server##
and a cultural hub of##
Civcraft, with a large##
theatre, numerous##
historical monuments,##
and statues created##
as expressive pieces##
by our citizens.##
In addition, because of##
our interesting manner##
of founding, we don't##
have a default political##
ideology. I am##
confident is saying we##
are the most politically##
diverse city on the##
We've had a capitalist mayor, a socialist, a communist who founded the Communist Party of Mount Augusta, and a Libertarian Socialist member of the LSIF."##
-Sami_Ghani, diplomat,##
ex-Mayor and friend.##
(All comments in brackets are mine)##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§r##
§l    Transcribed§r##
§l          by§r##
§4§l Maester Flaminius§r##
§l         -=-§r##
      19th of July##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§r##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§r##
§4§l       Maester§r##
§4§l       Alliance§r##
§1§l       Kamakon§r##
§1§l      Assembly§r##
§1§l     Scriptorium§r##
§4          city of§r##
§4§l     Mt. Augusta§r##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§r##

Then load, sign and save it again, the layout changes, with unnecessary formatting getting added (and so the character limit of a page gets used up more):


//Book saved in GHB format at 2018-07-20T0923.818Z
title:Augustan History
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§0##
§0§l      Augustan§0##
§0§l       History§0##
§0§l         -=-§0##
§0            by§0##
§0§l  Erich_Honecker_§0##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§0##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§0##
§0       A book from§0##
§0§l       Civcraft§0##
§0§l         -=-§0##
§0§l      First Age§0##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§0##
To be ignorant of the§0##
§0past is to remain a§0##
The following is the§0##
§0history of Mt Augusta§0##
§0as told by the§0##
§0Diplomat and ex-Mayor§0##
"I think Augusta has§0##
§0some of the most§0##
§0interesting history on§0##
§0the server. If you§0##
§0look to the right of§0##
§0the portal when§0##
§0exiting, you'll see a§0##
§0Memorial to N5K2. N5K2§0##
§0was the first city built§0##
§0on the land that is now§0##
It was built the very§0##
§0first day the server§0##
§0was launched by§0##
§0lightninglc. He lived§0##
§0there for a while, but§0##
§0eventually moved on to§0##
§0the city of§0##
§0(read the book§0##
§0The Early Days for an§0##
§0account of§0##
That fountain, which is§0##
§0now the memorial, is all§0##
§0that remains. Shortly§0##
§0after it was§0##
§0abandoned, a man§0##
§0named Vidorac moved§0##
§0in to the area, put§0##
§0down hundreds of§0##
§0torches, and built a§0##
§0city he named§0##
Vidorac lived here for§0##
§0a while, but after§0##
§0numerous intense§0##
§0griefing episodes, he§0##
§0and his friends fled§0##
§0the city.§0##
At this point,§0##
§0awesomesauce17, and§0##
§0established the large§0##
§0cobble structure on§0##
§0the hill, which is now§0##
§0known as Government§0##
They initially intended§0##
§0this to serve as Mount§0##
§0Augusta, a fort city,§0##
§0but others quickly§0##
§0joined them and built§0##
§0and the base of the§0##
§0mountain and beyond.§0##
§0The city grew and§0##
§0grew into the walls the§0##
§0founding fathers had§0##
However, Augusta soon§0##
§0fell into a very dark§0##
§0time. We got into a war§0##
§0of sorts with some§0##
§0griefers, one of which§0##
§0stayed on us for a§0##
§0long time. (The griefer§0##
§0mentioned here is§0##
§0FoxMcleod, now§0##
§0reformed and a citizen§0##
§0of Gerald. [cont]§0##
The spawn trap built§0##
§0for him is now a§0##
§0historical monument in§0##
§0Augusta.) In the end,§0##
§0though he was§0##
§0captured, our city was§0##
§0in ruins. Nearly every§0##
§0building was§0##
§0demolished, on fire, or§0##
§0covered in lava and§0##
§0cobble spikes. (this§0##
§0theme of lava and§0##
§0cobble [cont]§0##
would later be§0##
§0repeated by many§0##
§0griefers. At the time of§0##
§0writing, Ataraxia is still§0##
§0under cobble.)§0##
§0Everyone but myself§0##
§0and three others fled§0##
§0the city.§0##
Most cities on this§0##
§0server that have§0##
§0faced this level of§0##
§0griefing have been§0##
§0snuffed out. But we§0##
§0refused to die. We§0##
§0stayed and rebuilt,§0##
§0making Augusta so§0##
§0large and§0##
§0prosperous that we§0##
§0had to expand to the§0##
§0east and north§0##
§0beyond the portal!§0##
Now Augusta serves§0##
§0as one of the oldest§0##
§0cities on the server§0##
§0and a cultural hub of§0##
§0Civcraft, with a large§0##
§0theatre, numerous§0##
§0historical monuments,§0##
§0and statues created§0##
§0as expressive pieces§0##
§0by our citizens.§0##
In addition, because of§0##
§0our interesting manner§0##
§0of founding, we don't§0##
§0have a default political§0##
§0ideology. I am§0##
§0confident is saying we§0##
§0are the most politically§0##
§0diverse city on the§0##
We've had a capitalist ##
mayor, a socialist, a ##
communist who founded ##
the Communist Party of ##
Mount Augusta, and a ##
Libertarian Socialist ##
member of the LSIF."§0##
§0-Sami_Ghani, diplomat,§0##
§0ex-Mayor and friend.§0##
§0(All comments in ##
brackets are mine)§0##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§0##
§0§l    Transcribed§0##
§0§l          by§0##
§4§l Maester Flaminius§0##
§0§l         -=-§0##
§0      19th of July§0##
§0           2018§0##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§0##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§0##
§4§l       Maester§0##
§4§l       Alliance§0##
§1§l       Kamakon§0##
§1§l      Assembly§0##
§1§l     Scriptorium§0##
§4          city of§0##
§4§l     Mt. Augusta§0##
§4§l     -·=»+«=·-§0##

Fixing this would make GHB files that much more reliable again and ease bookwork greatly.

Minecraft version: 1.12.2

Ghostwriter version: 1.9.8 (1.12.2-Ghostwriter-1.9.8.jar)

waffle-stomper commented 4 years ago

Seems to have been fixed at some point between 1.12 and 1.14