Formatting selected text deletes it, you select the text you want to give a new format, click one of the format buttons and the text just gets deleted. I expected it to keep the text in the book and only format that section i selected.
forge version
1.18.2 - 40.2.0
mod version
[[Beta][1.18.2] v2.3.7 for Forge 1.18.2-40.0.3]
Formatting selected text deletes it, you select the text you want to give a new format, click one of the format buttons and the text just gets deleted. I expected it to keep the text in the book and only format that section i selected.
forge version 1.18.2 - 40.2.0
mod version [[Beta][1.18.2] v2.3.7 for Forge 1.18.2-40.0.3]