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Create a wiki page for the vision of this project #18

Closed chadswen closed 9 years ago

chadswen commented 9 years ago

We're having plenty of good technical conversation here, but I'm not sure that we're all jointly interpreting the purpose or general functionality of this project. We should figure out vaguely what we're building before we decide how to build it. The plan will change as our ideas evolve, but thankfully we can edit wikis. :)

It's best to start documenting some of this, which we can certainly do collaboratively.

chadswen commented 9 years ago

A good starter is an explanation of the problem we encounter that we'd like to solve.

davidgwking commented 9 years ago

I've never used them myself, but couldn't we use a gist for this and link it to the project?

If we use a gist, we get all the upsides of using git to maintain this vision document while also using something a bit more lightweight than wiki syntax (like markdown).

chadswen commented 9 years ago

@davidgwking I don't see what using gist for this would add. GH wiki's versioning is already backed by Git. Also, GH wikis support GH markdown syntax as their default, along with a variety of other choices.

If we want to use collaborative document editing tools outside of the GH project, google docs would make more sense than gist to me.

davidgwking commented 9 years ago

@chadswen didn't realize github had wiki support. nice.