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Call for Speakers: February #296

Closed billyroh closed 6 years ago

billyroh commented 6 years ago

We're looking for speakers for our meetup!

How do I submit a talk? You can either comment on this issue or send us an email at talks@wafflejs.com.

When and where will it be? When: Wednesday, February 7 from 7 to 10 PM. Where: Soma StrEat Food Park

What should I talk about? We don’t have a strict formula, but this is the balance we try to strike every month:

Do I need to be an expert to talk? Nope. This meetup is supposed to be fun and casual, so we want everyone to participate. We especially encourage people of underrepresented groups to apply.

How long should my talk be? Ten minutes. There won't be any formal Q&A.

What should be in my talk submission? Just a few sentences describing what you want to talk about would be great.

What's the A/V situation? We'll have a projector and a mic for you to use. Let us know if you need any fancy adapters (we'll have some Apple ones).

Can I submit a talk for a thing I made, for either myself or my employer? Generally, no. We've found that when people give talks about a thing they made, it comes off as self-promotional. We'll make exceptions for this though, especially when it's less about the thing, but rather lessons learned by making the thing.

Tranced commented 6 years ago

Name: Terence Yang Talk title: Programming kids to program

Talk Description: As a kids' programming instructor, half of my job is coaching them through to a positive growth mindset. I'll be talking about some tips I've found to do that along with common coding analogies and bumps/understandings students usually go through. We'll start off with some common call-and-response coding drills with the audience, move onto common analogies that hopefully not everyone has heard, and end with the (anecdotal) secrets that help develop productive programmers, or at least students.

A little bit about me I'm a student and the lead instructor for a small place called MV Code Club in San Francisco. For a year now, I've managed to have the responsibility of training new hires at my location and realized that, even if you're a decent programmer, you might not know how to teach it. Hopefully this would be a helpful talk since a lot of people might have kids(or even adults) they're trying to teach.

dannypaz commented 6 years ago

Name: Danny Paz Talk title: Devops and JavaScript

Talk Description: I will breifly explain what Devops and SRE means to me, then will dive into motivation for using JavaScript to automate systems and development workflows. Through the use of clever memes and real world (working) examples, I will give 5 reasons why my audience should consider JavaScript for their DevOps/SRE teams.

About me: My Name is Danny. I am currently a Software Engineer turned SRE in San Francisco. I consider my career path a textbook example of an SRE. I've fallen in-love with systems and internal tools and would love to share my ideas and knowledge about the subject.

chromakode commented 6 years ago

Thanks @Tranced and @dannypaz, sent you both emails :raised_hands:

parris commented 6 years ago

Name: Parris Khachi Twitter: @parrissays Talk Title: How to Estimate Like a Pro

Talk Description: Ever have trouble predicting when something will ship? In this talk we will explore a few strategies for determining how much time you actually have to work with, and actually unearthing how much scope exists within a project.

More info about me: I've been working in web dev for about 15 years. I'm currently the Director of Web over at Brigade. We help you keep your representatives (congress people and senators) accountable! Previously, I was at a company called Famous and before that I worked at a company called Eventbrite as one of their frontend leads.

linclark commented 6 years ago

Name: Lin Clark Twitter: @linclark Talk Title: The whole web at maximum FPS

Talk Description: How can you get the browser to render web pages at maximum FPS, whether that's 60 frames per second or 120? Make it like a game engine. In this talk, I'll explain how we're making this happen in Firefox with WebRender.

More about me: I make code cartoons. I also work at Mozilla, where I'm in the Emerging Technologies group. That means I tinker with stuff like WebAssembly, Servo (a new web engine), and the Rust programming language.

chromakode commented 6 years ago

Woot, thanks @parris and @linclark, I've replied via email. :+1:

dawsbot commented 6 years ago

Name: Dawson Botsford Twitter: @dawsonbotsford Talk Title: Typewriter: An intro to creating typesafe code. Prior Experience: Gave a talk one year ago at WaffleJS. Read the 💣 description here



Epic Music 🎵

Lights Illuminate the stage 💡

Writing JavaScript is fast and fun. Or is it?

Lights down 🕶 Lights up again 💡

Aren't undefined errors a joy!? How about TypeErrors? Wait there are types? I thought JavaScript didn't have types?

Lights down 🕶 Lights up again 💡

The joke is on you, there were types all along 👻

Now I'll show you safer code patterns using tools like eslint, typescript, or flowtype.

Lights down 🕶 Walk off while things explode behind me, but I don't look, because that would ruin the coolness 💥

This talk is not meant a tutorial for any particular typing framework, so everyone can get excited. Instead it's an overview for how strong typing could be in your application. Let the audience choose how far along the spectrum they want their code to be enforced.

Tangibly speaking, I will cover basic typing like this:


🙏 Thank you for your time. 🙏

You can find more of my work here

Trott commented 6 years ago

Just a few sentences describing what you want to talk about would be great.

I still need to think of a snappy title for it, but I'd love to talk for 10 minutes about reflections on recently getting to 1000 commits in a popular open source project. Topics touched on would be:

chromakode commented 6 years ago

Thanks @dawsbot, sent you an email! We'll be in touch soon @Trott :smile:

oa495 commented 6 years ago

Name: Omayeli Arenyeka Twitter: @YellzHeard Talk title: How to make twitter bots

Talk Description:

This talk is about making bots. Not the ones that attempt to mimic human conversation but the ones that explore generative possibilities. I'll start out by talking about the kinds of bots people have made and then get into the process of making and deploying them: how and where you can getting data, parsing that data, the mechanics of getting the bot to tweet regularly and hosting the bot online.

A little bit about me

I'm a creative technologist which basically means I like to make artsy things with code. My day job is at LinkedIn where I work as an engineer on the design systems team. I think there's a lot of value in making useless things.

chromakode commented 6 years ago

Thanks @oa495, sent you an :email:

feross commented 6 years ago

Name: Feross Aboukhadijeh Twitter: @feross Talk Title: The Worst Web Page in the World

Talk description:

This is a fun and playful talk where we'll learn about many different web platform features that provide great power to web developers. What if we used that power for evil? What kind of terrible UX could we create if our goal was to build the worst site in the world?

There will be live coding, many demos, and lots of fun with legacy web platform APIs!

My bio:

I'm Feross. I'm a mad scientist; I like to build software that makes people say "Wow, I didn't know that was possible!" I'm the author of WebTorrent, Standard, and some other JavaScript open source projects.

alexcastillo commented 6 years ago

Name: Alex Castillo Twitter: @castillo__io Talk Title: Connecting the brain to the browser Talk description:

What comes after the keyboard and the mouse? More advanced interfaces that allow more effective communication between human and machines, specifically those that tap into the brain. So, let's plugin the human brain to the Web!

The human body is a ocean of electricity. Billions of neurons are constantly engaging as our thoughts go from one state to the next. Come see how we can tap into this data generated by human cells in JavaScript, and how to get started in the NeuroTech community.


Alex Castillo is a Software Engineer at Netflix and Developer Expert at Google for Web Technologies. He is very passionate about the human brain and how we can use technology to understand it better. Alex has contributed to the open source community and focuses on Angular, React and NeuroTech. In his spare time, he likes experimenting with guitars and IoT.

billyroh commented 6 years ago

Thanks for submitting, everyone! You'll receive an email from us shortly.

CFP for March: https://github.com/wafflejs/wafflejs.github.io/issues/300