waggle-sensor / beehive-server

Waggle cloud software for aggregation, storage and analysis of sensor data from Waggle nodes.
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Survey "collaborator" beehive deployments #47

Open seanshahkarami opened 6 years ago

seanshahkarami commented 6 years ago

It seems like there's some interest in having other folks deploy beehive's? (If not, we can ignore this.) A few considerations which make that tricky are:

  1. We use a number of large, infrastructure components such as RabbitMQ and Cassandra (and maybe Elasticsearch soon-ish). Proper operations and support during a failure require an ops or sysadmin experienced with these tools to address major issues. How sure are we that other teams will have these people? (We're certainly not in the business of providing that kind of support, right?)

  2. What kind of systems are we anticipating deploying to? It may be ok to deploy to a single VM, but if the intent is to scale up over time, we probably want to consider moving towards an approach where core pieces of infrastructure such as RabbitMQ, Cassandra and Elasticsearch "preexist" and are clustered across multiple machines to provide high availability and performance. (In other words, beehive becomes a service built above that layer of infrastructure. Similar to how you'd build on top of AWS services.) Will most collaborators have a person capable of doing thing kind of provisioning and deployment? If our goal is to scale up, then designing for the lowest common denominator is potentially conflicting with this. (Also note that this is the recommended and intended method of deployment for Cassandra in production.)