waggle-sensor / waggle-nodes

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Node: 001e0610c069 VSN: DLW02 #2

Open rajeshxsankaran opened 6 years ago

rajeshxsankaran commented 6 years ago

Bad disk usage info on 1st Nov. Node unreachable on 2nd Nov. But tunnel is open.

Node debug requires in-person handling. Assigning to Lakitha.

rajesh@Bharadwaj:~/DLW$ bee dlw02

** Finding Node connection info **
** Found node @ 50151. Connecting to device...

50151 - DLW02 | David Lary's 02 | UTexas, Dallas |
Warning: Permanently added 'node50151' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
packet_write_wait: Connection to UNKNOWN port 0: Broken pipe

rajesh@Bharadwaj:~/DLW$ date 
Thu Nov  2 11:14:44 CDT 2017
lakithaomal commented 6 years ago

Hello @eppell, Please let me know what I should look out for. If not, I could redo the whole node again.

eppell commented 6 years ago

@lakithaomal Could you please check to see what the storage space on this node looks like? We have a hunch it won't allow SSH because it can't write a lock/data file to /tmp/.ssh for ssh sessions. This may tie in with the 1.5G problem.

lakithaomal commented 6 years ago

Should I re write the images for the c1+ SD and the EMMC

lakithaomal commented 6 years ago

@eppell I finished redoing this node: Its read on the live node list. Please let me know if the problem is now sorted.

lakithaomal commented 6 years ago

@eppell Alpha sensor data in random intervals have been recorded - seems to be inaccurate and only a handful of data points available. Please let me know if I could do anything to sort that out