wagiminator / ATtiny13-TinyProbe

Simple Logic Probe
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How to burn firmware without ICSP? #1

Open nehcoab opened 1 month ago

nehcoab commented 1 month ago

Hi, Stefan. I noticed that some of your boards using ATTiny don't have an ICSP. How do you usually program them?

nehcoab commented 1 month ago

Is there something like a programming socket?

wagiminator commented 1 month ago

Hi, since there is no ICSP header on the board (in order to save space), you have to program the ATtiny either before soldering using an SOP adapter, or after soldering using an EEPROM clip. The AVR Programmer Adapter can help with this.

nehcoab commented 1 month ago

As you mentioned, I purchased an SOP8 clip, and the programming was successful. It's now working properly. By the way, as a beginner, I have learned and replicated many of your projects, and they are all fantastic. Thanks for your open-source contributions.

wagiminator commented 1 month ago

Always welcome !