wagiminator / C64-Collection

Collection of cartridges, adapters and replacements for the Commodore C64
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DiskBuddy64 -- Adapter Not Found Error #19

Closed brycelynch closed 1 month ago

brycelynch commented 1 month ago

Any ideas why I might not be able to detect the drive in cmd line or gui? I'm vic1541, windows 11, python 3.12.3. Have pySerial and tk installed -- even tried updating that serial driver. I've followed order of operations in the connection steps. Don't see any usb device get mounted in device manager. At a loss. Any thoughts on what I might try next.

wagiminator commented 1 month ago

Sounds like the CH340N isn't working. Have you tried the device on another computer, preferably with a different operating system, to rule out a possible driver issue? Were you able to upload the firmware?

brycelynch commented 1 month ago

It was actually a usb cable issue. Didn't know that some of them only carry power. Kept trying different ones until I found one that worked. :) thanks!