wagiminator / CH32V003-GameConsole

Handheld RISC-V Mini Game Console with OLED Display
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Charger circuit? #5

Open mahagr opened 3 weeks ago

mahagr commented 3 weeks ago

As the microcontroller kinda requires 2.7V and the low audio volume in V1.1, why not make a LIR2032 only version with a cheap lipo charger/protection circuit with USB input?

wagiminator commented 3 weeks ago

I had considered this option too, but in the end, I wanted to use as few/as cheap components as possible and also use up all the CR2032 batteries I still have lying around.

mahagr commented 2 weeks ago

I want to build a few of these with my son with rechargeable batteries, but my skills in electronics are still pretty bad. I already ordered the parts, including DW01+F5805A, MCPT73831T and USB-C connector. The extra components add less than 0.30€ to the price.

Can I just add the needed circuits to the board or is there anything else I need to consider first?

wagiminator commented 2 weeks ago

I think that should work without any problems. When selecting the charging IC, make sure to choose the version with a 4.2V charging voltage (MCP73831T-2) if possible, as LIR2032 batteries don't handle high charging voltages very well.

mahagr commented 2 weeks ago

Yup, it's the -2 variant, just like in your LIR charger chip.

mahagr commented 4 days ago

I created a private version of the modified circuit and added you into the project. Can you please check it out as I have no experience of creating circuits. Thank you.