wagiminator / SAMD-Development-Boards

Collection of SAMD Development Boards, Programmers, Tools and Firmware
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Not an issue, but a few questions #1

Open Theremingenieur opened 3 years ago

Theremingenieur commented 3 years ago

I'm positively surprised to see that someone takes care of the Mattairtech cores which are orphaned since 2018! Do you plan further evolutions and improvements on these, like for example integrating tinyUSB as an alternative USB stack? This could help to reduce flash rom space problems on the D11C... Another huge plus would be re-packaging these cores, so that these can be integrated in PlatformIO which has actually no SAMD11 support and not everybody is a huge fan of the Arduino IDE. Unfortunately, my modest knowledge is not sufficient to fully understand what is written here: https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/platforms/creating_platform.html Thank you in advance for your friendly consideration!

wagiminator commented 3 years ago

Hi, thank you very much for your interest! Unfortunately, I still don't know much about SAM or other ARM-based microcontrollers, my focus is actually on my beloved 8-bit AVRs. I wanted to experiment a little with the smaller SAMD chips. I designed a couple of boards for this purpose and was initially looking for a suitable core for the Arduino IDE. I was only able to find the core from Mattairtech though, so I took that and tweaked it a bit and updated a few parts as far as my limited capabilities allowed me. I'm not the biggest fan of the Arduino IDE either, in fact I mostly use a simple text editor and then compile the code "by hand" (at least in the 8-bit world - sometimes the code only needs a third as much Flash). But I think the Arduino IDE is a good starting point for getting to know new microcontrollers. I've never worked with PlatformIO, so I can't say much about it. As you can see, my prerequisites are unfortunately rather bad to fulfill your wishes (at least in the near future). Of course, if at some point I am ready to make real improvements to the core or to integrate this into other IDEs, then I will certainly do that too. However, this is currently not my focus. Stay healthy and please write to me if you find a more up-to-date and better core somewhere!

eprive commented 8 months ago

Where to buy this or one of your other "Minimal System Development" Boards ?

Interest in bare PCBs and / or populated boards.

wagiminator commented 8 months ago

Hi, I don't sell anything myself. However, you can simply upload the Gerber file to a PCB manufacturer of your choice and have it manufactured (and, if necessary, assembled) there. For example, at jlcpcb.com 5 boards only cost $2.