wagnerand / FireTag

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Replace class chooser list by grid with icons #30

Closed wagnerand closed 9 years ago

wagnerand commented 10 years ago

We start with some hard-coded class uris which we fetch the icon for. Later on, we can replace that static list by one we fetch from remote as well.

@svenschwarz Can you please provide the list of uris you want to start with as well as the API call to get a set of icons for a set of uris. in which resolution should the icons be displayed?

svenschwarz commented 10 years ago

Multiple step approach here: 1st step: have a static list with type URIs (Person, Project, City, ...) in FireTag 2nd step: make a method on PIMO server delivering these "typically used type uris" 3rd step: think about something better than static type lists - maybe that is a user-specific(!) selection of types, i.e., the types he/she uses most

The class chooser would present a grid view of big icons of the above mentioned subset of types. The user can select with a simple click - no further OK button. BUT: there could be (4th step) a "more..." button giving access to more types and, maybe, change the user's selection that way (3rd step)

svenschwarz commented 10 years ago

The icons to a set of type URIS can be retrieved using the fast query api (using the pimodb endpoint), e.g.:

{"method":"PimoFastQueryApi.getResources","params":["PLEASE-PUT-YOUR-AUTHKEY-HERE", { resultItemType: json, uris: ["pimo:thing#Person", "pimo:thing#Project", "pimo:thing#City"], fillAttributes: [label, icon], iconType: base64, iconSize: "64x64",

} ]}

wagnerand commented 10 years ago

Just a friendly reminder: Let me know about the uris you want to have. Maybe @maush wants to add some as well.

svenschwarz commented 10 years ago

Right, please start with these for a start, so we can see how it looks and works: pimo:thing#Person pimo:thing#Organization pimo:thing#Event pimo:thing#Project pimo:thing#City pimo:thing#Country pimo:thing#Software pimo:thing#Tool pimo:thing#Topic

wagnerand commented 9 years ago

First part implemented in 0181f2d9a112e8271de83e70c49d1591d364a018. Further stuff will be handled in new bugs when we have the needed server logic.