I want to specify which binaries (or any other files) should be excluded from checks/calculations/verifications
Analyzing image...
efficiency: 61.7012 %
wastedBytes: 41314421 bytes (41 MB)
userWastedPercent: 85.4058 %
Inefficient Files:
Count Wasted Space File Path
2 24 MB /path/binary_1
2 17 MB /path/binary_2
FAIL: highestUserWastedPercent: too many bytes wasted, relative to the user bytes added (%-user-wasted-bytes=0.8540577136942192 > threshold=0.2)
FAIL: highestWastedBytes: too many bytes wasted (wasted-bytes=41314421 > threshold=20000000)
FAIL: lowestEfficiency: image efficiency is too low (efficiency=0.6170116079613327 < threshold=0.95)
Result:FAIL [Total:3] [Passed:0] [Failed:3] [Warn:0] [Skipped:0]
My Docker image is based on alpine, so generated binaries (which are mandatory "assets" of my image) should be excluded from checks having an option in config file.
my .dive-ci:
# If the efficiency is measured below X%, mark as failed.
# Expressed as a ratio between 0-1.
lowestEfficiency: 0.95
# If the amount of wasted space is at least X or larger than X, mark as failed.
# Expressed in B, KB, MB, and GB.
highestWastedBytes: 20MB
# If the amount of wasted space makes up for X% or more of the image, mark as failed.
# Note: the base image layer is NOT included in the total image size.
# Expressed as a ratio between 0-1; fails if the threshold is met or crossed.
highestUserWastedPercent: 0.20
I want to specify which binaries (or any other files) should be excluded from checks/calculations/verifications
My Docker image is based on alpine, so generated binaries (which are mandatory "assets" of my image) should be excluded from checks having an option in config file.