wagoodman / dive

A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
MIT License
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Display --link COPY/ADD layers #467

Open ecki opened 11 months ago

ecki commented 11 months ago

What would you like to be added: I havent seen an method to see if a layer is created from a COPY/ADD --link (i.e. independent of base). Not sure if this is easily visible in the manifest, but it would be neat to show this.

Why is this needed: The display of "unmodified" files (from the base image) in such a view made me think it does not work with --link, but the layer has a stable ID across different base images so I guess it does work.

Thanks a lot for the useful tool.

ecki commented 11 months ago

BTW: I am not sure if this is caused by link, but when I go on such a layer and say "ctrl-l" it still shows me the unmofigied files from the layer below?

ecki commented 11 months ago

(retracting my previous comment about /.wh..wh..opq - its not a root level but on the level of the destination directory. which is fine for merging. There seems to be really no marker other than a opaque whiteout on the base directory of an ADD operation)