wagoodman / dive

A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
MIT License
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FEATURE REQUEST: Add Json Output file #508

Open Trubador opened 4 months ago

Trubador commented 4 months ago

What would you like to be added:

I would like to get Dive to output a Json file containing all the analyzed data from the Docker Image:

Why is this needed:

I would like to generate an automatic diagram based on the data from the Json file such that I can easily view the structure of a deployed container image.

Additional context:

mark2185 commented 4 months ago

So, something like dive <image> --json output_file.json?

Trubador commented 4 months ago

Yes, that would be perfect! 😃 Especially if the Json structure is also documented such that I can easily understand it.

mark2185 commented 4 months ago

Try it out, it's already there!

Trubador commented 4 months ago

Oh sorry about that, I can see that. I just tried it now, though It only output a subset of the data Dive displays in terminal GUI. I need all the data from that in the Json file as well so I have a complete detailed representation of all relations and files inside image layers

zaventh commented 2 weeks ago

I too would also like to, for example, a list of all files added in a given layer as you can see in the UI viewed but represented in JSON output via a non-interactive command. This does not appear to be possible at the moment.