The text search feature enables content authors to be able to search for specific contents in a web page while in editing-view. It returns suggested results of contents with matched words. The search feature also works for alternative texts.
Why does the text search feature need to be documented?
Content authors might get stuck trying to find certain contents. Finding contents in editing view means that the author might want to change the words, change the alt text and perform other actions. The documentation will expose the content authors on other possible search activities that can be performed on Wagtail interface. It explains if the authors can make two-way searches and how to do it. If the interface allows authors to replace contents, the documentation also provides clarity on how to get it done.
Proposed documentation content on text search feature
What is a text search feature
The text search feature enables content authors to be able to search for specific contents in a web page while in editing-view. It returns suggested results of contents with matched words. The search feature also works for alternative texts.
Why does the text search feature need to be documented?
Content authors might get stuck trying to find certain contents. Finding contents in editing view means that the author might want to change the words, change the alt text and perform other actions. The documentation will expose the content authors on other possible search activities that can be performed on Wagtail interface. It explains if the authors can make two-way searches and how to do it. If the interface allows authors to replace contents, the documentation also provides clarity on how to get it done.
Proposed documentation content on text search feature
Step-by-step details: