wagtail / wagtail-localize

Translation plugin for Wagtail CMS
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Issue String.MultipleObjectsReturned #758

Closed Nigel2392 closed 4 months ago

Nigel2392 commented 6 months ago

When using Translation.import_po, there can be an issue with some databases and filtering. Some databases by default, are case insensitive. This means that the translated string Home, would also retrieve home - get() fails because of String.MultipleObjectsReturned.

This can be fixed by filtering by the data_hash, instead of the data itself.

This means that instead of filtering like:

                string = String.objects.get(
                    locale_id=self.source.locale_id, data=entry.msgid

We should filter like so _(For some reason data__exact does not work?!??!)_

                string = String.objects.get(
                    locale_id=self.source.locale_id, data_hash=String._get_data_hash(entry.msgid)

Fix (wagtail_localize.models.Translation.import_po (LineNo. 1228)):

    def import_po(
        self, po, delete=False, user=None, translation_type="manual", tool_name=""
        Imports all translatable strings with any translations that have already been made.

            po (polib.POFile): A POFile object containing the source translatable strings and any translations.
            delete (boolean, optional): Set to True to delete any translations that do not appear in the PO file.
            user (User, optional): The user who is performing this operation. Used for logging purposes.
            translation_type ('manual' or 'machine', optional): Whether the translationw as performed by a human or machine. Defaults to 'manual'.
            tool_name (string, optional): The name of the tool that was used to perform the translation. Defaults to ''.

            list[POImportWarning]: A list of POImportWarning objects representing any non-fatal issues that were
            encountered while importing the PO file.
        seen_translation_ids = set()
        warnings = []

        if "X-WagtailLocalize-TranslationID" in po.metadata and po.metadata[
        ] != str(self.uuid):
            return []

        for index, entry in enumerate(po):
                string = String.objects.get(
                    # Filter by hash instead of by data.
                    locale_id=self.source.locale_id, data_hash=String._get_data_hash(entry.msgid)
                context = TranslationContext.objects.get(
                    object_id=self.source.object_id, path=entry.msgctxt

                # Ignore blank strings
                if not entry.msgstr:

                # Ignore if the string doesn't appear in this context, and if there is not an obsolete StringTranslation
                if (
                    not StringSegment.objects.filter(
                        string=string, context=context
                    and not StringTranslation.objects.filter(
                        translation_of=string, context=context
                        StringNotUsedInContext(index, entry.msgid, entry.msgctxt)

                string_translation, created = string.translations.get_or_create(
                        "data": entry.msgstr,
                        "updated_at": timezone.now(),
                        "translation_type": translation_type,
                        "tool_name": tool_name,
                        "last_translated_by": user,
                        "has_error": False,
                        "field_error": "",


                if not created:
                    # Update the string_translation only if it has changed
                    if string_translation.data != entry.msgstr:
                        string_translation.data = entry.msgstr
                        string_translation.translation_type = translation_type
                        string_translation.tool_name = tool_name
                        string_translation.last_translated_by = user
                        string_translation.updated_at = timezone.now()
                        string_translation.has_error = False  # reset the error flag.

            except TranslationContext.DoesNotExist:
                warnings.append(UnknownContext(index, entry.msgctxt))

            except String.DoesNotExist:
                warnings.append(UnknownString(index, entry.msgid))

        # Delete any translations that weren't mentioned
        if delete:
                context__object_id=self.source.object_id, locale=self.target_locale

        return warnings
Nigel2392 commented 6 months ago

Relevant discussion was created before. Ref: https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail-localize/discussions/606