wagtail / wagtailtrans

A Wagtail add-on for supporting multilingual sites
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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How can I use Django string translation with Wagtailtrans? #159

Open rafrasenberg opened 5 years ago

rafrasenberg commented 5 years ago


I am wondering how to use the Django string translation in combination with Wagtailtrans. I tried my luck on stackoverflow but nobody awnsered it. Here's my question (short version without explaining what wagtailtrans is):

I translated my content, all is working fine, however I still need some additional strings which I don't define in my models to be translated. I just use Django's translation feature with {% load i18n %} and then the strings wrapped inside {% trans "String" %}.

So far so good, I defined my two languages in Wagtail admin (Wagtail trans creates an option for that) which in this case is English and Dutch. I set English as the main language so the strings are in english.

I use ./manage.py makemessages and it creates a .po file for me, with all the tagged strings in there. At last I use ./manage.py compilemessages.

But translated strings are not showing up when I switch to Dutch language, it still displays the english strings. So I suspect it needs some additional tweaking to work with Wagtailtrans, but I can't seem to figure out how this set-up should be. Can anyone help me out?

The link to the question on stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54854263/how-can-i-use-djangos-translation-strings-with-wagtailtrans-add-on-for-support

Henk-JanVanHasselaar commented 5 years ago

Hi @webconexus ,

Django translations should work with WagtailTrans. Did you follow the WagtailTrans documentation? this sounds like u need to add the wagtailtrans.middleware.TranslationMiddleware to your middleware classes. Docs

If that's not the case can you please add your configuration in this request?

Kind regards

rafrasenberg commented 5 years ago

@Henk-JanVanHasselaar Yes I followed the docs, to be clear Wagtailtrans is working completely fine. It is just the Django strings that don't get rendered.

So my setup: beautifulsoup4==4.6.0 certifi==2018.11.29 chardet==3.0.4 Django==2.1.7 django-appconf==1.0.2 django-compressor==2.2 django-environ==0.4.5 django-filter==2.1.0 django-livereload-server==0.3.2 django-modelcluster==4.3 django-sass-processor==0.7.2 django-shortcuts==1.6 django-taggit==0.23.0 django-treebeard==4.3 djangorestframework==3.9.1 draftjs-exporter==2.1.5 html5lib==1.0.1 idna==2.8 libsass==0.17.0 Pillow==5.4.1 pytz==2018.9 rcssmin==1.0.6 requests==2.21.0 rjsmin==1.0.12 six==1.12.0 tornado==5.1.1 Unidecode==1.0.23 urllib3==1.24.1 wagtail==2.4 wagtail-metadata==2.0.1 wagtailtrans==2.0.5 webencodings==0.5.1 Willow==1.1

Added this to my middleware: 'wagtailtrans.middleware.TranslationMiddleware',

Other settings:



USE_I18N = True

USE_L10N = True

USE_TZ = True

So the strings are being picked up and I can see them in my .po file, it is just the rendering that does not work.

Henk-JanVanHasselaar commented 5 years ago

Allright, looks good so far! what does your middleware configuration look like?

rafrasenberg commented 5 years ago

Cool! Full middleware:




Henk-JanVanHasselaar commented 5 years ago

Oke, just to be sure, can you order the middleware to match the order specified in the documentation. e.g:

    # ...
    # ...

further checks you can do,