wahasa / Debian

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Debian Bug Fixes #5

Open wahasa opened 2 years ago

wahasa commented 2 years ago


wahasa commented 2 years ago

Fixes Firefox Crashed Debian Desktop

Screenshot_2022-09-02-11-21-51-695_com realvnc viewer android (1)

Support : All Desktop Environment

Fixed firefox-esr crash

Press edit on right, change number '4' to '0' and press again to save.

wahasa commented 2 years ago

Fixes Sound Debian Desktop

Screenshot_2022-09-12-18-07-34-618_com realvnc viewer android

Support : All Desktop Environment

Sound Fixes Debian

rm audiofix.sh

pulseaudio -k >> /dev/null 2>&1
pulseaudio --start >> /dev/null 2>&1

example :

~ $ cat .debian


pulseaudio -k >> /dev/null 2>&1 pulseaudio --start >> /dev/null 2>&1 cd $(dirname $0)

unset LD_PRELOAD in case termux-exec is installed

unset LD_PRELOAD command="proot" command+=" --kill-on-exit" command+=" --link2symlink" etc,..

  • On Script Xstartup debian add :

example :

~ $ debian root@localhost:~# cat ~/.vnc/xstartup


export PULSE_SERVER= xrdb /root/.Xresources startxfce4

Note : Sound modiefied timeout to 180 seconds

wahasa commented 2 years ago


wahasa commented 1 year ago

How to remove double localhost

Screenshot_2022-09-02-11-27-48-521_com termux

Remove manual

Command to Debian :

cd /tmp ls -a rm -rf .X1-lock .X2-lock

cd /tmp/.X11-unix ls rm -rf X1 X2

cd ~/.vnc ls rm -rf localhost:5901.pid localhost:5902.pid cd

Good Luck