wahern / cqueues

Continuation Queues: Embeddable asynchronous networking, threading, and notification framework for Lua on Unix.
MIT License
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Consider removing the debian/ dir (or moving it to another place) #232

Open santiagorr opened 4 years ago

santiagorr commented 4 years ago

Dear William,

Please, consider removing the /debian directory (at least from the release tarballs). Unfortunately, it conflicts with debian, and the lua-cqueues tarball has to be repacked to remove that directory. Some reasoning can be found at https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamGuide#Initial_Packaging:

"Some projects include a rough /debian directory among source files to ease bleeding-edge package compilation and installation on Debian (and derived) systems. While this is a good effort, it is better to leave it out of the final tarball as it can interfere with debian's own packaging effort. Keeping it only in your VCS repository is usually a much saner default if it lives in a specific packaging branch, which mimics what Debian package maintainers do using git-buildpackage. Though leaving the debian folder in the normal branch can also interfere if the package maintainer is using an upstream git packaging workflow (for example: git tag based git-buildpackage workflow)."


-- Santiago

daurnimator commented 4 years ago

Note that this may be non trivial: the build process reads debian/changelog to get the version to include in the binary.