wahyd4 / aria2-ariang-x-docker-compose

Docker compose files for Aria2+ AriaNg+ filerun/ Nextcloud/ h5ai + Plex. 图形化BT,磁力,离线下载,文件管理,播放,投屏
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[deleted] #79

Closed Eversane closed 5 years ago

Eversane commented 5 years ago

Besides, smbclient is still a problem. "“smbclient” 未安装。无法挂载 "SMB / CIFS", "SMB / CIFS 使用 OC 登录信息"。请联系管理员安装。"

wahyd4 commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I don't think there is anything wrong with the project or the code. As far as I can tell your issue is should be a Nextcloud configuration issue. So, unfortunately, I won't provide further free help on this issue.

There are two ways to solve your issue:

  1. You can either search and read through those solved and existing issues or search your issue on Google Which I highly recommend.
  2. You can pay and buy some time from me, I am happy to pair with you to solve this issue.