waicool20 / KAGA

Kancolle Auto Gui App or Kaga - A GUI for the tool over here: https://github.com/mrmin123/kancolle-auto and https://github.com/mrmin123/kcauto-kai
GNU General Public License v3.0
20 stars 3 forks source link

Problems that can not be docked #40

Open millionsbar opened 6 years ago

millionsbar commented 6 years ago

Docking is not executed After battle

Console log

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[KAGA] [2018-05-26 04:21:07] [c.w.k.k.KancolleAutoKai] INFO - Starting new KCAuto-Kai session (Version: 0.5.0)
[KAGA] [2018-05-26 04:21:07] [c.w.k.k.KancolleAutoKai] DEBUG - Launching with command: java -jar C:\Users\ムチヘ¬\Desktop\kaga\sikulix.jar -r C:\Users\ムチヘ¬\Desktop\kaga\kcauto-kai-master\kcauto-kai.sikuli -- cfg C:\Users\ムチヘ¬\Desktop\kaga\kaga\2-3-config.ini
[KAGA] [2018-05-26 04:21:07] [c.w.k.k.KancolleAutoKai] DEBUG - Session profile: {"general":{"program":"Electronic Observer","pause":false,"jstOffset":0},"scheduledSleep":{"scriptSleepEnabled":false,"scriptSleepStartTime":"0002","scriptSleepLength":3.5,"expSleepEnabled":false,"expSleepStartTime":"0030","expSleepLength":3.5,"sortieSleepEnabled":false,"sortieSleepStartTime":"0030","sortieSleepLength":3.5},"scheduledStop":{"scriptStopEnabled":false,"scriptStopCount":"","scriptStopTime":"","expStopEnabled":false,"expStopMode":"MODULE","expStopCount":"","expStopTime":"","sortieStopEnabled":false,"sortieStopMode":"MODULE","sortieStopCount":"10","sortieStopTime":"1000"},"expeditions":{"enabled":false,"fleet2":[],"fleet3":["5"],"fleet4":["21"]},"pvp":{"enabled":false},"sortie":{"enabled":true,"engine":"LIVE","map":"4-2","nodes":5,"fleetMode":"STANDARD","nodeSelects":[],"formations":[],"nightBattles":[],"retreatLimit":"CRITICAL","repairLimit":"MODERATE","repairTimeLimit":"0000","lbasGroups":[],"lbasGroup1Nodes":[],"lbasGroup2Nodes":[],"lbasGroup3Nodes":[],"miscOptions":["CHECK_FATIGUE"]},"shipSwitcher":{"enabled":false,"slot1Criteria":[],"slot1Ships":[],"slot2Criteria":[],"slot2Ships":[],"slot3Criteria":[],"slot3Ships":[],"slot4Criteria":[],"slot4Ships":[],"slot5Criteria":[],"slot5Ships":[],"slot6Criteria":[],"slot6Ships":[]},"quests":{"enabled":false},"name":"2-3"}
[2018-05-26 04:21:16] Initializing config module
[2018-05-26 04:21:16] Reading config
[2018-05-26 04:21:16] Validating config
[2018-05-26 04:21:16] Starting kancolle-auto!
[log] App.focus:  [0:Electronic]
[log] App.focus:  [0:Electronic]
[2018-05-26 04:21:21] At side menu
[2018-05-26 04:21:21] Going home.
[log] CLICK on L(613,477)@S(0)[0,0 1469x965] (522 msec)
[log] CLICK on L(663,351)@S(0)[0,0 1469x965] (521 msec)
[2018-05-26 04:21:32] At home
[2018-05-26 04:21:35] At home
[2018-05-26 04:21:35] Navigating to combat screen.
[log] CLICK on L(780,394)@S(0)[0,0 1469x965] (522 msec)
[log] CLICK on L(780,369)@S(0)[0,0 1469x965] (521 msec)
[log] CLICK on L(941,556)@S(0)[0,0 1469x965] (521 msec)
[log] CLICK on L(1154,323)@S(0)[0,0 1469x965] (522 msec)
[log] CLICK on L(1302,554)@S(0)[0,0 1469x965] (521 msec)
[2018-05-26 04:21:57] Fleet needs resupply!
[2018-05-26 04:21:59] Fleet 1 damage counts: 0 heavy / 1 moderate / 2 minor / 0 under repair
[2018-05-26 04:22:00] Fleet 1 fatigue state: Rested
[2018-05-26 04:22:00] Canceling combat sortie: resupply required.
[2018-05-26 04:22:00] Canceling combat sortie: 1 ships above damage threshold.
[2018-05-26 04:22:03] At side menu
[2018-05-26 04:22:03] Going home.
[log] CLICK on L(656,386)@S(0)[0,0 1469x965] (523 msec)
[2018-05-26 04:22:30] At home
[2018-05-26 04:22:30] Navigating to repair screen.
[log] CLICK on L(720,480)@S(0)[0,0 1469x965] (522 msec)
[2018-05-26 04:22:34] Begin repairing fleets.
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x68b30191, pid=3288, tid=0x00000e5c
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_171-b11) (build 1.8.0_171-b11)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (25.171-b11 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C  [libtesseract-3.dll+0x130191]
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# C:\Users\ムチヘ¬\Desktop\kaga\hs_err_pid3288.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
#   http://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Error opening data file C:/Users/₩ラᄅ¥ン?/AppData/Roaming/Sikulix/SikulixTesseract/tessdata/eng.traineddata
Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to the parent directory of your "tessdata" directory.
Failed loading language 'eng'
Tesseract couldn't load any languages!
[KAGA] [2018-05-26 04:22:34] [c.w.k.k.KancolleAutoKai] INFO - KCAuto-Kai session has terminated!
[KAGA] [2018-05-26 04:22:34] [c.w.k.k.KancolleAutoKai] DEBUG - Exit value was 1
[KAGA] [2018-05-26 04:22:35] [c.w.k.k.KancolleAutoKai] INFO - KCAuto-Kai crashed!
waicool20 commented 6 years ago

This isn't a KAGA issue but a kcauto-kai one, so next time post those issue here: https://github.com/mrmin123/kcauto-kai/issues

Error opening data file C:/Users/₩ラᄅ¥ン?/AppData/Roaming/Sikulix/SikulixTesseract/tessdata/eng.traineddata
Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to the parent directory of your "tessdata" directory.
Failed loading language 'eng'
Tesseract couldn't load any languages!

^ Your issue lies here, you don't have tesseract ocr data installed and they are missing, please reinstall sikulix